
To President Trump! 2025-01-27: President Trump has said that in the event of a national emergency, he could use the International Economic and Trade Agreement (IEEPA) to introduce a new tariff program. This is "defense". Trump! Attack!

 To President Trump!

2025-01-27: Weekday Edition

President Trump is considering declaring a "national economic emergency" to give a "legal basis" to the new tariffs he plans to impose. This is a "symbol of a weak America"!

President Trump has said that in the event of a national emergency, he could use the International Economic and Trade Agreement (IEEPA) to introduce a new tariff program. This is "defense". Trump! Attack!

What a bad image! The South Korean president will be arrested for "insurrection" for "declaring" a "state of emergency (martial law)". Trump should declare an "emergency! Attack".

According to reports, sources are considering all options and are discussing declar-ing a state of emergency. It gives the impression that America is "bankrupt". Stop declaring "emergencies"! .

"Emergency" is an "image of defense". It doesn't fit Trump's image. Trump has an image of "attack". The American people are looking forward to "Trump's punch".

American companies are reluctant to invest in the United States, and as a result, the manufacturing industry has been hollowed out and many manufacturing indus-tries have weakened. President Trump should strengthen manufacturing and take back the world's factories.

First, I propose that the Rust Belt, the birthplace of American manufacturing, be re-born as a new heavy chemical industrial complex.

First, we need to make the steel industry world-class. We should ask our ally, Nip-pon Steel, to rebuild US Steel. Nippon Steel has a track record of making the steel industries of China and Korea world-class.

"Iron is the nation." If we "protect" the steel industry with tariffs, industries that use steel will lose their competitiveness. The automobile, shipbuilding, bridge, and machinery industries are weakening.

The current US manufacturing industry is in a "miserable state." President Trump needs to impose "import restrictions" for a limited period of time. We must make America the world's number one "manufacturing industry" within 10 years.

To do this, we need to "invest" in "manufacturing." Investment should be prioritized over dividends. Laws need to be enacted. Investment should be promoted through the tax system.

President Trump is against "accepting illegal immigrants". In that case, "labor" should be "supplied" by "AI robots". Detroit, a Rust Belt city, should become an "in-dustrial city" of "AI robots".

The center of "Detroit" in 10 years should be the robot industry, not the automobile industry. Workers in the automobile industry will just become "workers" in the "ro-bot industry".

Japan's steel industry is almost completely unmanned. Unfortunately, Japan's au-tomobile industry has not been "unmanned". I think the automobile industry will be "almost completely unmanned" in 10 years. America will "become" the winner "this time!"

When we think of semiconductor factories, we have the image of "unmanned facto-ries", but even if they are unmanned, many "workers" are needed, just as large-scale semiconductor factories employ "3,000 to 4,000 people".

The United States should increase labor demand by investing in manufacturing, re-viving many factories, and increasing productive factories. President Trump, we are expecting a "punch".

Part 1 Citations and References

Trump considers declaring economic emergency over new tariffs, US reports


I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!


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