
Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-09: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-09: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!
Wenn es eine Schlussfolgerung gibt, können wir so viele Szenarien wie möglich schreiben. Es ist verrückt.

Wenn Sie dieses Argument auf die Mitarbeiter und Diplomaten der US-Botschaft anwenden, werden Sie natürlich protestieren.
Ich werde solch ein dummes Argument nicht vergeben. Amerikaner sind keine Idioten! !

Die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung, die in der japanischen Regierung schwach sind, schweigen jedoch.
Ich sage nichts, weil die Philippinen finanzielle Unterstützung von Japan erhalten.
Jede Zeitungsfirma ist still. Es kann nicht einmal geholfen werden, wenn Japaner dumm sind!

Wenn es um Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht geht, wird China nichts sagen, weil es wegen anderer Menschenrechtsprobleme ein Bumerang wird.
Die Sache, die die Kommunistische Partei sagt, ist die einzige Richtige.
Wenn Sie Bestechungsgelder geben, was wird die Schlussfolgerung werden?
Es ist verrückt. Der Vernehmungsstaatsanwalt machte auch die Chinesen zum Narren.

Sogar Koreaner denken, dass es viele Opfer gibt.
Die koreanische Regierung ist nicht an Menschenrechtsverletzungen interessiert.
Es kann nicht einmal geholfen werden, wenn Japaner dumm sind!
Das Problem der Trostfrauen ist ebenfalls wichtig, aber Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die jetzt auftreten, sind wichtiger.
Aus japanischer Sicht ist Korea immer noch ein Drittland.

Da es vom Hauptthema war, werden wir nächste Woche auf das Thema dieses Falles zurückkommen. Ich werde fortfahren.

Ich schätze die sorgfältige Untersuchung und Erwägung des Weißen Hauses. Bitte wiederholen.
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants 
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

If there is a conclusion, we can write as many scenarios as we can. It's crazy.

Applying this argument to the staff and diplomats of the US Embassy, ​​
you will naturally get protests. I will not forgive such a foolish argument.
Americans are not idiots! !

However, the Chinese government and the Philippine government
who are weak in the Japanese government are silent.

I do not say anything because the Philippines is receiving financial assistance from Japan.
Every newspaper company is silent.
It can not be helped even by Japanese people being stupid!

When speaking of international law violation,
China will not say anything because it will become a boomerang
because of other human rights issues.
The thing the Communist Party says is the only one right.
If you give bribes,
what will the conclusion become? It's crazy.

The interrogation prosecutor was also making a fool of the Chinese.

Even Korean people think that there are many victims.
The Korean government is not interested,
such as human rights violations.
It can not be helped even by Japanese people being stupid!
The problem of comfort women is also important,
but human rights abuses that are occurring now are more important.
From the Japanese perspective, Korea is still a third country now.

Since it was from the main subject,
next week we will return to the subject of this case. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat. Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-08b】 Your 1600 Daily: North Korea feels the pressure

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-08b

Your 1600 Daily:
North Korea feels the pressure
News broke yesterday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is willing to talk to the United States about giving up his country’s nuclear weapons, according to South Korean officials who traveled to Pyongyang this week.

President Donald J. Trump responded with cautious optimism that America’s “maximum pressure” campaign could produce a breakthrough. “For the first time in many years, a serious effort is being made by all parties concerned,” the President tweeted yesterday. “May be false hope, but the U.S. is ready to go hard in either direction!”
Vice President Mike Pence echoed Ronald Reagan in his statement about the Administration’s response. “Whichever direction talks with North Korea go, we will be firm in our resolve,” the Vice President said. “All options are on the table and our posture toward the regime will not change until we see credible, verifiable, and concrete steps toward denuclearization.”
Read about Vice President Pence’s visit with North Korean defectors before the 2018 Olympic Games.

A year of achievements in science and technology
Since President Trump’s inauguration, the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has built a robust team of more than 50 staff members, including a corps of scientists and engineers, policymakers, and academics. Today, OSTP unveils a report highlighting the tremendous science and technology achievements of the Administration to date.

The report is not an exhaustive list of activities, but it showcases select accomplishments that demonstrate how science and technology policymaking is helping to Make America Great Again.
A few of its highlights:
  • President Trump’s 2018 Budget Request would result in the highest percentage of the budget allocated for Research & Development since fiscal year 2014.
  • Last March, the President established the White House Office of American Innovation to develop policies to improve government services and drive technological breakthroughs.
  • OSTP has been instrumental in Administration efforts to promote the free flow of data while standing firm against unfair trade practices.
Learn more about OSTP’s year of empowering Americans to innovate.

200 years with Sweden
“They’ve been with us for a long time. In fact, I think we’re together for about 200 years, to be exact,” President Trump told reporters before his bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden. “This is an anniversary.”

The President and Swedish Prime Minister discussed trade, security, and the threat from terrorism during their meeting yesterday at the White House. “Our relationship is a very strong one. We have trade deals; we have military deals,” President Trump said. “So we’re going to have quite a long discussion.”
President Trump also fielded questions about North Korea during the joint press conference. “Sweden will always be helpful. Sweden has been helpful in the past,” he said.
Watch a short recap from President Trump’s visit with Prime Minister Löfven.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden | March 6, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Stephanie Chasez)


Today, President Trump will deliver remarks at the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit.
This afternoon, The Vice President will deliver keynote remarks at an America First Policies “Tax Cuts to Put America First” event.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail from the White House  2018-03-08a 】 March 6, 2018 I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions. My staff will share your email with me shortly. On Monday, I welcomed Prime Minister and Mrs. Netanyahu to the White House to discuss the strong partnership between our two countries. The bond between the United States and Israel is the strongest it has ever been. Our two nations stand united in our shared goal to build a more peaceful and prosperous Middle East.

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail from the White House  2018-03-08a 】

March 6, 2018  
I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions. My staff will share your email with me shortly.
On Monday, I welcomed Prime Minister and Mrs. Netanyahu to the White House to discuss the strong partnership between our two countries.
The bond between the United States and Israel is the strongest it has ever been. Our two nations stand united in our shared goal to build a more peaceful and prosperous Middle East.
As President, I will continue to strengthen ties with friends and partners around the world whose values and interests align with those of the United States. To learn more about how my Administration is reshaping our Nation’s foreign policy, please Click Here.
Thank you again for taking the time to write.
If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.


Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-08: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-08: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Why is "Criminal Sin" of Penal Code?

Content I handed a false employment contract to the Filipino (driver).
The Filipino (driver) submitted to the Tokyo immigration office with contents false employment contract.
Therefore, "Status of residence of specific activities" was easily obtained.
So the visa was easily obtained from the Foreign Minister.
Since I got a visa, I stayed in Japan.
I stayed in Japan so I was able to work illegally at a garden.
Therefore, "Contents are false and causal relationship between illegal employment contract provision and illegal work is clear".

In Japan this saying is saying "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
I will give you an example.

When the wind is pointing, garbage enters the eyes and the eyes are closed.
Then, my eyes disappear.
People who can not see their eyes gained income by playing "Shamisen".
The leather of the shamisen was made of "cat's skin".
I catch a cat and use it as a shamisen skin so cats are gone.
When the cat of the rat's natural enemy is gone, the mouse breeds.
Rats like to gnaw trees.
So the "oke" made of wood will be broken.
So "oke" is sold, "okeya" profitable.

There are various scenarios.
If there is a conclusion, we can write as many scenarios as we can. This is the logic of Japanese judiciary.

Everyone, are not they funny? It's crazy. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House. Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-03-08: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du Trump, etc., est le suivant. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-03-08: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du Trump, etc., est le suivant.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

Pourquoi le «péché criminel» du code pénal?

Contenu J'ai remis un faux contrat de travail au philippin (chauffeur).
Le Philippin (chauffeur) a présenté au bureau d'immigration de Tokyo avec le contenu faux contrat de travail.
Par conséquent, le «statut de résidence d'activités spécifiques» a été facilement obtenu.
Donc, le visa a été facilement obtenu auprès du ministre des Affaires étrangères.
Depuis que j'ai un visa, je suis resté au Japon.
Je suis resté au Japon, donc j'ai pu travailler illégalement dans un jardin.
Par conséquent, "Le contenu est une fausse relation causale entre la fausse disposition du contrat de travail et l'emploi illégal".

Au Japon, ce dicton dit "Okeya est rentable si le vent souffle".
Je vais vous donner un exemple.

Quand le vent pointe, les ordures pénètrent dans les yeux et les yeux sont fermés.
Ensuite, mes yeux disparaissent.
Les gens qui ne peuvent pas voir leurs yeux ont gagné un revenu en jouant "Shamisen".
Le cuir du shamisen était fait de "peau de chat".
J'attrape un chat et l'utilise comme une peau de shamisen, donc les chats sont partis.
Lorsque le chat de l'ennemi naturel du rat est parti, la souris se reproduit.
Les rats aiment ronger les arbres.
Ainsi, le "oke" en bois sera brisé.
Donc "oke" est vendu, "okeya" rentable.

Il y a plusieurs scénarios.
S'il y a une conclusion, nous pouvons écrire autant de scénarios que possible. C'est la logique de la justice japonaise.

Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est étrange? C'est fou. Je vais continuer.

J'apprécie l'enquête minutieuse et la considération de la Maison Blanche. S'il vous plaît répéter.
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-08: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-08: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Warum ist "Criminal Sin" des Strafgesetzbuches?

Inhalt Ich habe dem Filipino (Fahrer) einen falschen Arbeitsvertrag übergeben.
Der Filipino (Fahrer) reichte bei der Tokioter Einwanderungsbehörde mit falschem Arbeitsvertrag Gehalt ein.
Daher wurde der "Aufenthaltsstatus spezifischer Aktivitäten" leicht erlangt.
So wurde das Visum leicht vom Außenminister erhalten.
Seit ich ein Visum hatte, blieb ich in Japan.
Ich blieb in Japan und konnte illegal in einem Garten arbeiten.
Daher ist "Inhalt ein falscher kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen der Bereitstellung falscher Arbeitsverträge und der illegalen Beschäftigung".

In Japan sagt dieses Sprichwort "Okeya ist profitabel, wenn der Wind weht."
Ich werde dir ein Beispiel geben.

Wenn der Wind weht, dringt Müll in die Augen und die Augen sind geschlossen.
Dann verschwinden meine Augen.
Menschen, die ihre Augen nicht sehen können, haben durch das Spielen von "Shamisen" ein Einkommen erzielt.
Das Leder der Shamisen wurde aus "Katzenhaut" hergestellt.
Ich fange eine Katze und benutze sie als Shamisen-Haut, damit Katzen weg sind.
Wenn die Katze des natürlichen Feindes der Ratte verschwunden ist, züchtet die Maus.
Ratten nagen gern an Bäumen.
So wird der "Oke" aus Holz gebrochen.
So "oke" wird verkauft, "okeya" profitabel.

Es gibt verschiedene Szenarien.
Wenn es eine Schlussfolgerung gibt, können wir so viele Szenarien wie möglich schreiben. Dies ist die Logik der japanischen Justiz.

Jeder, sind sie nicht lustig? Es ist verrückt. Ich werde fortfahren.

Ich schätze die sorgfältige Untersuchung und Erwägung des Weißen Hauses. Bitte wiederholen.
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-08: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-08: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Why is "Criminal Sin" of Penal Code?

Content I handed a false employment contract to the Filipino (driver).
The Philippines (driver)
Contents Submitted to Tokyo immigration office with false employment contract.
Therefore, "Status of residence of specific activities" was easily obtained.
So the visa was easily obtained from the Foreign Minister.
Since I got a visa, I stayed in Japan.
I stayed in Japan so I was able to work illegally at a garden.
Therefore, "Contents are false
and causal relationship between illegal employment contract provision and illegal work is clear".

In Japan this saying is saying "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
I will give you an example.

When the wind is pointing,
garbage enters the eyes and the eyes are closed.
Then, my eyes disappear. People who can not see their eyes gained income by playing "Shamisen".
The leather of the shamisen was made of "cat's skin".
I catch a cat and use it as a shamisen skin so cats are gone.
When the cat of the rat's natural enemy is gone, the mouse breeds.
Rats like to gnaw trees.
So the "oke" made of wood will be broken.
So "oke" is sold, "okeya" profitable.
There are various scenarios. If there is a conclusion,
we can write as many scenarios as we can.
This is the logic of Japanese judiciary.

Everyone, are not they funny? It's crazy. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-08: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-08: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants 
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Why is "Criminal Sin" of Penal Code?

Content I handed a false employment contract to the Filipino (driver).
The Philippines (driver)
Contents Submitted to Tokyo immigration office with false employment contract.
Therefore, "Status of residence of specific activities" was easily obtained.
So the visa was easily obtained from the Foreign Minister.
Since I got a visa, I stayed in Japan.
I stayed in Japan so I was able to work illegally at a garden.
Therefore, "Contents are false
and causal relationship between illegal employment contract provision and illegal work is clear".

In Japan this saying is saying "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
I will give you an example.

When the wind is pointing,
garbage enters the eyes and the eyes are closed.
Then, my eyes disappear. People who can not see their eyes gained income by playing "Shamisen".
The leather of the shamisen was made of "cat's skin".
I catch a cat and use it as a shamisen skin so cats are gone.
When the cat of the rat's natural enemy is gone, the mouse breeds.
Rats like to gnaw trees.
So the "oke" made of wood will be broken.
So "oke" is sold, "okeya" profitable.
There are various scenarios. If there is a conclusion,
we can write as many scenarios as we can.
This is the logic of Japanese judiciary.

Everyone, are not they funny? It's crazy. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-07a 】 Your 1600 Daily: ‘This will be remembered’

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-07a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
This will be remembered’
President Donald J. Trump hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a bilateral visit at the White House yesterday. The two leaders discussed the imminent move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to its capital city of Jerusalem, as well as the path to peace for the Middle East.

I want to tell you that the Jewish people have a long memory,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said. “We remember 70 years ago, President Harry S. Truman was the first leader to recognize the Jewish state. And we remember how a few weeks ago, President Donald J. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” he continued.
Mr. President, this will be remembered by our people throughout the ages. And as you just said, others talked about it. You did it.”
The greatest challenge to the Middle East is encapsulated in one word, says Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Needed attention’ on infrastructure
Two top officials in Oklahoma—the state’s Governor, Mary Fallin, along with Secretary of Transportation Mike Patterson—write that “infrastructure improvement is a priority issue because of its direct impact on economic growth and stability as well as the safety and well-being of our citizens.”

The two state leaders make a convincing case:
  • In 2011, 706 of Oklahoma’s 6,800 highway bridges were structurally deficient. That number is coming down to 187 under Gov. Fallin, and the President’s “plan will allow Oklahoma to continue to prioritize infrastructure projects.”
  • President Trump’s proposal includes traditional transportation such as roads and transit, but it also supports broadband internet, water and power systems, and other indispensable pieces for a modern infrastructure system.
  • The Administration’s plan will benefit states such as Oklahoma by directing 25 percent of Federal funding—about $50 billion—for rural projects.
The bottom line? “We support the Trump administration’s infrastructure proposal for starting the dialogue about the need for these improvements,” the pair write.
Learn more about why Oklahoma’s leaders are with President Trump on infrastructure.

America to overtake Russia on oil
The United States will eclipse Russia to become the largest oil producer in the world by 2023, The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday.

This latest headline is yet more evidence that President Trump’s plan to achieve American energy dominance is paying off just 13 months into his term. “Together, we are going to start a new energy revolution—one that celebrates American production on American soil,” the President said last year.
According to the Journal, “U.S. crude production is expected to reach a record of 12.1 million barrels a day in 2023, up about 2 million barrels a day from this year.” What will that mean for America? “Once heavily dependent on imports from the Middle East, the U.S. is getting closer to achieving its goal of producing enough crude to meet domestic demand for refined products like gasoline,” the Journal says.
Learn more: The U.S. will be the world’s largest oil producer by 2023, says IEA

Photo of the Day

Vice President Mike Pence at AIPAC 2018 | March 5, 2018 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)


This afternoon, President Trump will participate in an expanded bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden. Later, the President will meet with Swedish business representatives before holding a joint press conference with Prime Minister Löfven. Watch live at 3:30pm ET.
This morning, the Vice President participated in a phone call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine. The Vice President then travels to Omaha, Nebraska, to deliver keynote remarks at an America First Policies “Tax Cuts to Put America First” event.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-07: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-07: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Why was the arrest of Philippine Embassy officials and diplomats not related to illegal workers?
Everyone, are not they funny?

If it were to be disposed of, by providing false documents,
It becomes an aid act of 4 Article 4 of 4 Immigration Control Act 24 (cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, the criminal assistance crime can not be applied.

So, with amendment to Immigration Control Act 2010,
Foreign nationals who carried out aiding acts such as providing false documents or teaching became administrative measures for deportation.

However, a Philippine driver is requested by the Minister of Justice to submit Article 4 - 4 of Immigration Act 24
(Cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents) is not disposed of.
So, why was the arrest of the Philippine Embassy officials and diplomats not related to illegal work?

The offense is based on the fact that for Philippine drivers 'illegal workers'
It is "Criminal Sin" of Penal Code! Why is "Criminal Sin" of Penal Code?

Everyone, are not they funny? Continue.

Everyone, please also be interested in Japanese immigration issues.
America! EU! Move immigrants, refugees problems!

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House. Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-03-07: Le contenu de l'e-mail au président du Trump etc. aujourd'hui est comme suit. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-03-07: Le contenu de l'e-mail au président du Trump etc. aujourd'hui est comme suit.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

Pourquoi l'arrestation de fonctionnaires et de diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines n'était-elle pas liée à des travailleurs illégaux?
Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est étrange?

S'il devait être disposé, en fournissant de faux documents,
Il devient un acte d'aide de 4 (article 4 de 4 Immigration Control Act 24 (annulation du statut de résidence en soumettant de faux documents).
Cependant, le crime d'assistance criminelle ne peut pas être appliqué.

Ainsi, avec un amendement à la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 2010,
Les étrangers qui ont commis des actes tels que fournir de faux documents ou enseigner sont devenus des mesures administratives d'expulsion.

Toutefois, le ministre de la Justice demande à un chauffeur philippin de présenter l'article 4 - 4 de la loi sur l'immigration 24
(Annulation du statut de résidence en soumettant de faux documents) n'est pas éliminé.
Alors, pourquoi l'arrestation des fonctionnaires et des diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines n'était-elle pas liée au travail illégal?

L'infraction est basée sur le fait que pour les chauffeurs philippins "travailleurs illégaux"
C'est un "péché criminel" du code pénal! Pourquoi le «péché criminel» du code pénal?

Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est étrange? Je vais continuer.

Tout le monde, s'il vous plaît également être intéressé par les questions d'immigration japonaises.
Amérique! UE! Déplacer les immigrants, les problèmes des réfugiés!

J'apprécie l'enquête minutieuse et la considération de la Maison Blanche. S'il vous plaît répéter.
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-07: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-07: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Warum wurde die Festnahme von Beamten und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft nicht mit illegalen Arbeitern in Verbindung gebracht?
Jeder, sind sie nicht lustig?

Wenn es entsorgt werden sollte, indem man falsche Dokumente vorlegt,
Es wird ein Hilfegesetz von 4 Artikel 4 von 4 Immigration Control Act 24 (Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente).
Die kriminalpolizeiliche Hilfe kann jedoch nicht angewendet werden.

Also, mit Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes 2010,
Ausländische Staatsangehörige, die Hilfsmaßnahmen wie die Vorlage falscher Dokumente oder Lehrtätigkeiten ergriffen, wurden Verwaltungsmaßnahmen für die Abschiebung.

Ein philippinischer Fahrer wird jedoch vom Justizminister von Artikel 4 4 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes 24 in Kenntnis gesetzt
(Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) wird nicht erledigt.
Also, warum war die Festnahme der philippinischen Botschaftsbeamten und Diplomaten nicht mit illegaler Arbeit verbunden?

Die Straftat beruht auf der Tatsache, dass für illegale Arbeiter von philippinischen Fahrern "
Es ist "Verbrechenshilfe" des Strafrechts! Warum ist "Criminal Sin" des Strafgesetzbuches?

Jeder, sind sie nicht lustig? Ich werde fortfahren.

Alle, bitte interessieren Sie sich auch für Fragen der japanischen Einwanderung.
Amerika! EU! Verschieben Sie Einwanderer, Flüchtlinge Probleme!

Ich schätze die sorgfältige Untersuchung und Erwägung des Weißen Hauses. Bitte wiederholen.
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-07: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-07: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants 
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Why was the arrest of Philippine Embassy officials and diplomats not related to illegal workers? 
Everyone, are not they funny?

If it were to be disposed of, by providing false documents, 
it becomes an aid to 4 Article 4 of 4 Immigration Act 24
 (withdrawal of status of residence by submitting false documents). 
However, the criminal assistance crime can not be applied.

So, as a result of the Immigration Control Law amendment in 2010, 
foreigners who assisted in providing false documentation or teaching 
became administrative measures for deportation.

But the Philippine driver has not been disposed of by the Minister of Justice 
under Article 4 - 4 of the Immigration Act 24 (cancellation of status of residence 
by submitting false documents). 
So, why was the arrest of the Philippine Embassy officials 
and diplomats not related to illegal work?

The offense is the "assistance guilt" of the criminal law 
against "illegal worker's crime (activity outside the status of being engaged)" made 
by the Philippine driver! 

Why is "Criminal Sin" of Penal Code? Do not you guys think it is strange? Continue.

Everyone, please also be interested in Japanese immigration issues.
America! EU! Move immigrants, refugees problems!

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House. 
Please repeat. Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants 
and refugees by government officials in Japan. 
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. 
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes. 
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed. 
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below. 


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-06c 】 West Wing Reads | Trump's infrastructure plan brings needed attention for improvements

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-06c 】

West Wing Reads |

Trump's infrastructure plan brings needed attention for improvements

In Tulsa World, Gov. Mary Fallin (R-OK) and state Secretary of Transportation Mike Patterson write that “infrastructure improvement is a priority issue because of its direct impact on economic growth and stability as well as the safety and well-being of our citizens. As governor and as Oklahoma’s secretary of transportation, we support the Trump administration’s infrastructure proposal for starting the dialogue about the need for these improvements.”

Click here to read more.
The Wall Street Journal reports that “the U.S. will overtake Russia to become the world’s largest oil producer by 2023, accounting for most of the global growth in petroleum supplies, a top industry monitor said Monday.” Sarah Kent and Timothy Puko write that “American influence on global oil markets is also expected to rise, with U.S. oil exports more than doubling to 4.9 million barrels a day by 2023, according to the [International Energy Agency].”
At the end of 2017, the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act was signed into law. This historic rewrite of our outdated tax code was met with derision by some, but the truth is that tax reform is working,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) writes in The Detroit News. Rep. Upton notes that “Michigan’s middle-class families are seeing the positive effects thanks to tax reform with more take-home pay in their paychecks each month.”
Lance Izumi describes in the Washington Examiner how “President Trump's proposed 2019 education budget, with its elimination of 29 ineffective or duplicative programs, drew howls from special-interest groups. Despite their hyperventilation, the president rightly focuses his spending priorities on the needs of students rather than on what the Washington spending lobby wants.”
In The Washington Times, Stephen Moore writes that “President Trump is right that we should move to a merit-based immigration system. While most immigrants give more than they receive, it is incontrovertible that the fiscal and economic benefits of immigrants are directly correlated to their skills, special talents, knowledge of English, educational attainment and entrepreneurial abilities.”
Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-06b 】 Your 1600 Daily: Prime Minister Netanyahu visits

【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-06b 】




「エルサレムは3大宗教の中心だけではなく、世界で最も成功した民主主義の中心でもあります。」とトランプ大統領は12月に述べました。 「この神聖な都市は、人類の中で最高のものを求め、可能な限り私たちの視野を持ち上げるべきだ」




副大統領はアメリカのカムバックの一例としてモーターシティ自体を使用しました。 "あなたは、フィアット・クライスラーが全従業員に2,000ドルの減税ボーナスを出しているのを聞いたかもしれない"と彼は言った。 "彼らはメキシコからミシガンに生産ライン全体を移すつもりです。"


Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-06b 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Prime Minister Netanyahu visits
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mrs. Netanyahu in Washington today. The Prime Minister will join the President both for a private meeting and for a working lunch this afternoon.

The meeting comes as both the United States and Israel look to bring peace and stability to a Middle East that’s been ravaged by violence for far too long. Specifically, the two leaders will discuss President Trump’s recently announced plans to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to its capital city of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is not just the heart of three great religions, but it is now also the heart of one of the most successful democracies in the world,” President Trump said in December. “This sacred city should call forth the best in humanity, lifting our sights to what it is possible.”
See what Israeli and U.S. officials said about President Trump’s historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

America’s manufacturing comeback
“After just one year, under President Trump’s leadership, manufacturing in America is back,” Vice President Mike Pence told an audience at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit Hotel in Michigan on Friday.

Speaking just blocks from the headquarters of some of America’s biggest car manufacturers, the Vice President explained what so many citizens in Michigan—and indeed, all over the Midwest—saw in President Trump when they supported him in 2016. “American companies have created nearly 200,000 new, good-paying manufacturing jobs, including nearly 6,000 new jobs across Michigan alone,” Vice President Pence said.
The Vice President used the Motor City itself as an example of America’s comeback. “You might have heard Fiat Chrysler is giving out $2,000-tax-cuts bonuses to all of its workers,” he said. “And they’re going to move their entire production line from Mexico to Michigan.”
Read more: “At this White House, that’s just what [the President] calls a good start.”

National Consumer Protection Week
On March 2, President Trump proclaimed this week as National Consumer Protection Week—an important occasion to help consumers learn more about their rights in the U.S. marketplace.

A few messages that President Trump wants all Americans to hear this week:
  • American consumers must be alert for a broad range of scams and schemes, including identity theft, cybersecurity breaches, and charity fraud, all of which . . . erode financial security.”
  • Depraved scammers often target the elderly. Such fraud can rob victims of their dignity and confidence, in addition to their resources.”
  • The best weapon against fraud and extortion is a well-informed consumer.
A vibrant economy, fueled by consumer confidence, is at the heart of American prosperity,” President Trump writes. “Fraudulent and deceptive practices erode the marketplace.”
Learn more about National Consumer Protection Week in the President’s Proclamation.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump honors the late Reverend Billy Graham | March 2, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Today, President Trump and the First Lady welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu and Mrs. Netanyahu to the White House. The four will meet at the South Portico before the President participates in a working lunch with Vice President Pence and Prime Minister Netanyahu. This afternoon, the President will meet with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.
The Vice President will participate in a meeting with Israeli Parliamentary Opposition Leader Yitzhak Herzog and later meet with Mayor Nir Barkat of Jerusalem. This evening, the Vice President will deliver remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference.
Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail from the White House  2018-03-06a 】 March 4, 2018 I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions. My staff will share your email with me shortly.

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail from the White House  2018-03-06a 】

March 4, 2018  
I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions. My staff will share your email with me shortly.
Every day, 115 Americans die from an opioid overdose. Too many of our fellow Americans have been lost due to the scourge of drug abuse. It is plaguing families and communities across our Nation, robbing so many of their potential.
My Administration is fighting the opioid crisis on all fronts, and we hosted an Opioid Summit at the White House to face this challenge as a national family—with both conviction and unity.
Watch my remarks at the Opioid Summit, or learn more about my Administration’s strategy to combat addiction in America.
Thank you again for taking the time to write.
If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Opioid (Opioid) refers to alkaloids collected from poppy pools, compounds synthesized therefrom, and endogenous compounds present in the body, which have pain relief, euphoric effects, and in coma at high doses of drugs, coma , Causing respiratory depression [1]. Such alkaloids (opiates) and semisynthetic compounds thereof include morphine, heroin, codeine, oxycodone, etc. Also, synthetic opioids include fentanyl, methadone, pethidine and the like [1]. These are narcotic in their original sense [1]. Opioid means "opium analogous substance" and it was named as a substance (originally in vivo) that binds to the opioid receptor to which they bind. Endogenous opioids include endorphins, enkephalins, and the like.
The use of opioid drugs has the risk of opioid dependence (English version), withdrawal symptoms and death due to overdose. In the United States, up to 43% of drug addiction death accounted for by overdose of opioid medicines [2], the American Neurological Society in 2014, also in chronic pain states such as headache, low back pain, fibromyalgia, opioid We are making statements that use is much more dangerous [3]. In 2017 a public health emergency was declared [4].
Source Wikipedia

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-06: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-06: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

This incident is illegal because the Philippine Embassy officials and diplomats who are not related to illegal work are arrested.
This case is exactly the same as my case.

Embassy staff and diplomats at the Philippine Embassy informed the illegal Philippines,
I gave an employment contract for what I hire as a driver.
Therefore, the Filipino person received "Employment Status of Specific Activities" from the immigration office with the employment agreement attached.
So, someone introduced me to a "landscape shop".

As I will tell you here, the actions that the Filipino driver did,
It falls under the provisions of Article 4 to 4 of the Immigration Control Act 24 (withdrawal of status of residence by submitting false documents).
For disposition, the Minister of Justice revoked the "status of residence of specific activities" granted,
It is the administrative penalty for deportation. There are no criminal penalties.

In the explanations so far, why were Emi-City officials and diplomats not related to illegal work arrested?
Everyone, are not they funny? Continue.

Everyone, please also be interested in Japanese immigration issues. It is strange that terrorism will not occur.
America! EU! Move immigrants, refugees problems!

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House. Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-06: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-06: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Dieser Vorfall ist illegal, weil die Beamten und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft, die nicht mit illegaler Arbeit zu tun haben, verhaftet werden.
Dieser Fall ist genau der gleiche wie in meinem Fall.

Botschaftsangehörige und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft informierten die illegalen Philippinen,
Ich gab einen Arbeitsvertrag für das, was ich als Fahrer anheuerte.
Daher erhielt die philippinische Person den "Beschäftigungsstatus bestimmter Aktivitäten" von der Einwanderungsbehörde mit dem angehängten Arbeitsvertrag.
Also hat mir jemand einen "Landschaftsladen" vorgestellt.

Wie ich Ihnen hier sagen werde, die Aktionen, die der philippinische Fahrer gemacht hat,
Es fällt unter die Bestimmungen von Artikel 4 bis 4 des Immigration Control Act 24 (Entzug des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente).
Zur Beseitigung hat der Justizminister den "Aufenthaltsstatus bestimmter Tätigkeiten", der
Es ist die Verwaltungsstrafe für die Abschiebung. Es gibt keine strafrechtlichen Sanktionen.

Warum wurden in den bisherigen Erklärungen Emi-City-Beamte und Diplomaten, die nicht mit illegaler Arbeit in Verbindung gebracht wurden, verhaftet?
Jeder, sind sie nicht lustig? Ich werde fortfahren.

Alle, bitte interessieren Sie sich auch für Fragen der japanischen Einwanderung. Es ist seltsam, dass Terrorismus nicht auftreten wird.
Amerika! EU! Verschieben Sie Einwanderer, Flüchtlinge Probleme!

Ich schätze die sorgfältige Untersuchung und Erwägung des Weißen Hauses. Bitte wiederholen.
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht.
Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

2025-01-23:من المرجح أن يكون عام 2025 هو العام الذي سيتم فيه وضع المركبات الهيدروجينية بالكامل في الاستخدام العملي. وسوف تتحرر أوروبا أخيرًا من "تلوث الهواء" الناجم عن "المركبات الكهربائية".

 2025-01-23: إصدار الأسبوع. سيارات الهيدروجين الإيطالية "مذهلة". ستظهر "شركة سيارات هيدروجينية" ستتفوق على "تسلا...