
À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-08-27: La communauté internationale a besoin de "gouvernance de la loi". Je pense qu'une société déraisonnable produit du "terrorisme". Le Japon est un "État" dangereux. S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Le bureau du haut-commissariat de l'ONU ne contribue pas aux "droits de l'homme" ou à la "gouvernance en vertu de la loi".
Les documents soumis au Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme seront affichés.
Il est naturel que les États-Unis se retirent du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies. ICC est également le même.

1. Résumé de la plainte

Cette allégation est une pétition pour «crime contre l'humanité».
Aux fins de cette règle, "crimes contre l'humanité"
En tant qu’attaque contre la population civile et en tant que partie intégrante ou organisationnelle,
Fait référence à l'un des actes suivants tout en reconnaissant une telle attaque.
a) Meurtre
b) acte d'extinction
c) asservissement.
d) Transfert d'exil ou forcé de résidents
e) privation de détention importante et autres libertés physiques en violation des règles fondamentales du droit international
f) torture
g) le viol, l'esclavage sexuel, la prostitution obligatoire, la poursuite de la grossesse forcée, la séparation forcée et toutes les autres formes de violence sexuelle.
h) raisons politiques, raciales, nationales, ethniques, culturelles ou religieuses,
Raison du sexe et autres choses interdites par le droit international
Persécution contre un groupe ou une communauté spécifique fondée sur des raisons universellement acceptées.
j) Disparition obligatoire de personnes
j) crime d'apartheid

1-1. Je facturerai ce qui précède (e) dans le cadre de «large» ou «organisationnel».
e) privation de détention importante et autres libertés physiques en violation des règles fondamentales du droit international
C'est un acte inhumain ayant d'autres propriétés similaires, donnant délibérément une lourde douleur au corps ou à la santé mentale et physique,
Ou en ajoutant des blessures graves

Je continuerai demain.

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît craignez-vous de la situation au Japon.
Tout le monde dans le monde, s'il vous plaît, faites du Japon le Japon "régi par la loi".
Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de rétablir notre honneur et d'indemniser les dommages dès que possible.
Mais le gouvernement japonais rejette cette affaire aujourd'hui.
Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays repose
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et sa volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-08-27: The international community needs "governance of the law". I think that an unreasonable society is producing "terrorism". Japan is a dangerous "state". Help me.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The UN High Commission office does not contribute to "human rights" or "governance under the law."
Documents submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights Office (OHCHR) will be posted.
It is natural that the US will withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council.
ICC is also the same.

1. Summary of the complaint

This allegation is a petition for 'crime against humanity'.
For the purposes of this rule, "crimes against humanity"
As an attack on civilian population and as a part of wide or organizational,
Refers to any one of the following acts while recognizing such an attack.
(a) Murder
(b) act of extinction
(c) enslavement.
(d) Exile or forced transfer of residents
(e) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms in violation
of the basic rules of international law
(f) torture
(g) rape, sexual slavery, compulsory prostitution, continuation of forced pregnancy,
forced separation and all other forms of sexual violence.
(h) Specific reasons based on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural or religious reasons,
reasons relating to sex, and reasons universally recognized as being unacceptable
under international law Persecution against a group or community.
(j) Mandatory disappearance of people
(j) apartheid crime

1-1. I will invoice the above (e) as part of 'broad' or 'organizational'.
(e) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms in violation
of the basic rules of international law
Other inhumane acts with other similar properties
that will deliberately give heavy distress to the physical or mental
and physical health or add serious injuries

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-08-27: The international community needs "governance of the law". I think that an unreasonable society is producing "terrorism". Japan is a dangerous "state". Help me.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The UN High Commission office does not contribute to "human rights" or "governance under the law."
Documents submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights Office (OHCHR) will be posted.
It is natural that the US will withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council.
ICC is also the same.

1. Summary of the complaint

This allegation is a petition for 'crime against humanity'.
For the purposes of this rule, "crimes against humanity"
As an attack on civilian population and as a part of wide or organizational,
Refers to any one of the following acts while recognizing such an attack.
(a) Murder
(b) act of extinction
(c) enslavement.
(d) Exile or forced transfer of residents
(e) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms in violation
of the basic rules of international law
(f) torture
(g) rape, sexual slavery, compulsory prostitution, continuation of forced pregnancy,
forced separation and all other forms of sexual violence.
(h) Specific reasons based on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural or religious reasons,
reasons relating to sex, and reasons universally recognized as being unacceptable
under international law Persecution against a group or community.
(j) Mandatory disappearance of people
(j) apartheid crime

1-1. I will invoice the above (e) as part of 'broad' or 'organizational'.
(e) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms in violation
of the basic rules of international law
Other inhumane acts with other similar properties
that will deliberately give heavy distress to the physical or mental
and physical health or add serious injuries

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-26】

August 25, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. The American economy is booming, and we are currently experiencing the longest running bull market in our Nation’s history.
As President, I am making good on my promise to deliver a pro-growth economic agenda that unleashes the full potential of the American economy. The results are clear—America is back and open for business.
As the market continues to soar, American workers are finding more job opportunities and consumer confidence is high. Since November of 2016, we have added 3.7 million jobs to our economy. The unemployment rate has matched its lowest level in 50 years. And for Hispanic Americans, it has reached the lowest level in recorded history at 4.5 percent. Moreover, the National Federation of Independent Business is reporting record levels of optimism, and the Consumer Confidence Index recently reached its highest level in 17 years.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. Together, we will continue to build a more prosperous future for our country.
Donald Trump
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-26】Thanks for human rights


Thank you to everyone.
Please spread this news which everyone is sending everyday!
That way, victims of many countries violated human rights abuses by the Japanese government will be saved.
I expect it for your justice!
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thank you to everyone.
Please spread this news which everyone is sending everyday!
That way, victims of many countries violated human rights abuses by the Japanese government will be saved.
I expect it for your justice!

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-26】Thanks for human rights


Thank you to everyone.
Please spread this news which everyone is sending everyday!
That way, victims of many countries violated human rights abuses by the Japanese government will be saved.
I expect it for your justice!
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Sunday version: August 26, 2018: developed countries can not accept economic refugees. However, we can not neglect the problem of economic refugees.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Dear Sir, In order to solve the problems of economic refugees,
let 's make modern "colonies" or "evacuation places".

The purpose is to "give" a "job" so as not to generate economic refugees.

After the war,
under the Allied Forces (USA) I grew up as a new Japanese who "complies" with freedom,
democracy, respect for human rights, and international law.

Fortunately, Japan was able to build "today's Japan" from scratch after the defeat.

I would like to express my gratitude to developed countries such as the United States,
France and the UK.
Tears come when I see many refugees going to Europe.
Many refugees are not welcomed in Europe and still to the citizens of host countries.

The Japanese understand this thing well.
When the Korean War began, many Koreans took refuge in Japan from the Korean Peninsula.
They still live in Japan.
as it is said from the international community "It is a hate speech against Koreans!",
The Japanese's "discrimination against Koreans" will not be resolved.
Also, Korean "anti-Japan policy" does not improve like "comfort women problem".

The Japanese people can understand the feelings of refugees illegally entering Europe
from African countries and Islamic countries
and the dissatisfaction of the citizens of the host country.

It seems that it would be better for private companies to advance into the country
where economic refugees occur, build a factory and hire,
There are problems of security and private companies can not deal with it.

So, if economic assistance is provided to African countries,
it is likely to be resolved,
but developed countries do not have "huge amount of aid" anywhere.

So, industrialized countries and companies together will "advance into" the "country
that generates economic refugees" to create employment.

So, it is a concept to create a modern version of "colony" or "evacuation place",
to support employment creation and corporate activities.

Above all, it is important to plant freedom and democracy in "colonies" or "evacuated areas".

Do not "spread" the Chinese "Communist party dictatorship system".

Next time, I will continue.

Let's eliminate "terror crime" from the world! To that end,
the world must be "governed under the law." Help me!
There are many victims around the world. Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-25】

August 24, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. The American economy is booming, and we are currently experiencing the longest running bull market in our Nation’s history.
As President, I am making good on my promise to deliver a pro-growth economic agenda that unleashes the full potential of the American economy. The results are clear—America is back and open for business.
As the market continues to soar, American workers are finding more job opportunities and consumer confidence is high. Since November of 2016, we have added 3.7 million jobs to our economy. The unemployment rate has matched its lowest level in 50 years. And for Hispanic Americans, it has reached the lowest level in recorded history at 4.5 percent. Moreover, the National Federation of Independent Business is reporting record levels of optimism, and the Consumer Confidence Index recently reached its highest level in 17 years.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. Together, we will continue to build a more prosperous future for our country.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thanks for human rights【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-25】

The White House • August 24, 2018

The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump and the First Lady will tour Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

The smallest victims of the Crisis Next Door

The opioids crisis touches Americans from all walks of life, responsible for more deaths than either car accidents or gun violence last year. Addiction tears up families everywhere from inner cities along the coasts to rural communities in the heartland.
Some of its victims are the smallest, most vulnerable among us. From 2000 to 2012, America saw a five-fold increase in the share of babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)—equivalent to one baby suffering from opiate withdrawal born every 25 minutes, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Last year, 198 babies were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, for NAS. Today, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will tour that facility, discussing the Administration’s three-part plan to halt the opioid crisis. 
The First Lady’s “Be Best” initiative also takes aim at NAS, educating parents on the importance of healthy pregnancies. Last year, the First Lady visited Lily’s Place in West Virginia, where addiction recovery treatment is available to entire families.
See how President Trump is mobilizing our government to end the opioid crisis.
More: Get the latest on First Lady Melania Trump’s “Be Best” initiative.

An update on Hurricane Lane

FEMA is working alongside multiple partners to actively support Hawaii’s efforts as they respond to the potentially devastating impacts of Hurricane Lane.
Hurricane Lane is a Category 3 storm and continues to move westward across the Central Pacific with maximum sustained winds of 120 mph, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Hurricane watches and warnings have been issued for parts of Hawaii.
President Trump urges all Hawaiians to follow the direction of state and local officials, including evacuation orders when given. Local residents are encouraged to visit Ready.gov/hawaii or the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency for more information.
Read the President’s Emergency Declaration for Hawaii.

I was an astronaut. We need a Space Force.’

For more than 50 years, this storied center has been at the forefront of America’s journey to the stars,” Vice President Mike Pence told NASA employees yesterday in a visit to Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. “Here, from the Mission Control Center, you have guided every American-crewed space expedition since 1965.”
The United States Space Force, we believe, is an idea whose time has come,” the Vice President said. Terry Virts, a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel who served as Commander of the International Space Station, agrees. “It’s hard to overstate the importance of space in our military operations and civilian life,” Virts writes in The Washington Post this week.
China and Russia have made it clear they are not willing to accept the status quo.”
I was an astronaut. We need a Space Force.”
Watch: “America will lead mankind to the stars once again,” the VP says.

Photo of the Day


Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen

Vice President Mike Pence speaks with astronauts training at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL) at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston | August 23, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version August 25, 2018: NO 1: Inmate named a toy soldier

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear sirs. I will introduce Japanese prison from this week.
Please know the "criminal penalty" in Japan.
This story is my actual experience. "Imprisonment" is "punish people,
criminal punishment". It differs from the West.
I obeyed the law. But why was I being imprisoned in prison?

Chapter 1, a prisoner named a toy soldier.

Inmate named "Toy soldier".

Do you know "Monkey person" named "prison officer"
who lives in the "planet of the monkey" named prison?
And do you know the "life" of a toy soldier?

Do not you want to know? Please do know.
You should know. And you should participate in prison reform.

1, 2, 1, 2. "Shout" of the "Monkey person" who ate a meal at full, reverberates heavily.

Another Monkey person manipulates a toy soldier with "Whitchi Nichwich Nii"
and "shout" out of tempo.
Toy soldiers straighten their arms straight and straighten their hands
and raise their feet,
"Human bones" proceeding forward with "Bipedal walking" taking a Condition
with a voice saying "three four" is.

"Unreasonable" refers to the life of a "toy soldier".

The voice of "Monkey person" with "5 minutes ago" echoes.
The toy soldier stops exercising and gathers at the meeting place.

"Monkey person": "What are you doing?"
Soldier: "I still have time" Foot stepping "."
"Monkey person": "What!" Time of exercise "has ended"
Soldier: "Is not it permitted to do" Foot stepping "?"
"Monkey person": "Oh, do you say" that kind of thing "? "Remember!"

The soldier did "Back answer" to "Monkey person",
so he returned to the factory
and was handed over to the police named "Syogu" for another reason.
And he never returned to this factory.

"Back answer" to "Monkey person" is not permitted for "toy soldier".

"Life" in prison is full of "unreasonable" things.
"Toy soldiers" has no choice but to "endure".

I will continue on next week.

Let's eliminate "terror crime" from the world! To that end,
the world must be "governed under the law." Help me!
There are many victims around the world. Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!


To President Trump 2018-08-24: Prosecutors are also human beings. Mistakes are to "apologize" admitting.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

And if we do restoration of honor in 'procedure of law',
it can be said that 'governance under the law'.
However, the prosecutor ignores criminal charges against the criminal offense
of the prosecutor.
There are a lot of victims around you, too.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
"Crime of abusing the authority of a special civil servant" is a crime of establishment
by abusing its authority and arresting and confining others.

Regarding the relevance of the requirements constituting the offense of "crimes
of abusing the authority of special public officials"

① that the "subject" is a special civil servant, ...
In fact, they are policemen, prosecutors and judges.

② Having arrested and captured people · · ·
It was arrested and confined as a fact.

③ "I abused the official authority", it will be established. · · ·
Whether they abuse their job function, or not.

abuse is to illegally "exercise" by them using "job authority".
Its means and methods are not just assault and intimidation.

It is "legally" · "virtually".

The victim can only choose to "accept" the result.

In other words,
it is said that it is sufficient to "Oppression" freedom of "decision making".

Judicial police officials can investigate the criminal and evidence
when it is "considered" that there is a crime.
It is stipulated.

Therefore, it is "illegal act" to investigate,
arrest, "confinement" if a crime is "unthinkable",
that is, if none of the laws have been violated.
It is a "crime of abuse of special public officials' authority."

Judicial police officials "Oppression" the freedom of "decision making"
by presenting "documents of arrest" whose contents are false.
In other words, we exercise authority on duties.

"Crime of abusing the ex officio of special public officials" does not require "willful",
so this obvious illegal act is "abuse of authority",
so the crime is established.

Employers who have worked foreigners illegally have not been punished.
Only foreigners who have worked illegally are punished.
This is a violation of international law prohibiting arbitrary discrimination
against foreigners. In this case,
both must be "equal under the law". Foreigners are "innocent."

There are many victims around you.

Everyone, now, let's help!

Under the Immigration Act's "Purpose of Legislation",
punishment of "assistance" or "promotion"
against illegal work must apply Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act
"Crime that promotes illegal labor".

We can not punish aiding acts of Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act
 (withdrawal of status of residence).

It is "error" of "applicable law".

Of course, it is "innocence".

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government still ignores this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-08-24: Staatsanwälte sind auch Menschen. Fehler sind "Entschuldigung" zuzugeben.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Und wenn wir im "Verfahren des Rechts" die Ehre wiederherstellen, kann man sagen, dass "die Regierung unter dem Gesetz steht".
Der Staatsanwalt ignoriert jedoch strafrechtliche Anklagen gegen die strafbare Handlung des Staatsanwalts.
Es gibt auch viele Opfer um dich herum.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
"Verbrechen des Missbrauchs der Autorität besonderer Beamter", durch Missbrauch seiner offiziellen Autorität, durch Festnahme und Inhaftierung anderer,
Gründung ist eine Sünde.

In Bezug auf die Relevanz der Anforderungen, die die Straftat der "Verbrechen des Missbrauchs der Autorität von besonderen Beamten" darstellen

① dass das "Subjekt" ein besonderer Beamter ist, ...
In der Tat sind sie Polizisten, Staatsanwälte und Richter.

② Menschen verhaftet und gefangen genommen · · ·
Es wurde verhaftet und als Tatsache beschränkt.

③ "Ich habe die offizielle Autorität missbraucht", wird es gegründet. · · ·
Ob sie ihre Jobfunktion missbrauchen oder nicht.

Missbrauch ist das illegale "Ausüben" durch "Job Authority".
Ihre Mittel und Methoden sind nicht nur Angriff und Einschüchterung.

Es ist "rechtlich" · "virtuell".
Das Opfer kann nur das Ergebnis "akzeptieren".

Mit anderen Worten, es wird gesagt, dass es "Unterdrückung" Freiheit der "Entscheidungsfindung" genügt.

Kriminalpolizeibeamte können den Verbrecher und Beweise untersuchen, wenn es "betrachtet" wird, dass es ein Verbrechen gibt.
Es ist festgelegt.

Deshalb, wenn Verbrechen "undenkbar" ist
Mit anderen Worten, wenn nichts gegen das Gesetz verstößt,
Untersuchung, Festnahme, "Entbindung" ist "illegale Handlung".
Es ist ein "Verbrechen des Missbrauchs der Autorität besonderer Beamter".
Kriminalpolizeibeamte "unterdrücken" die Freiheit der "Entscheidungsfindung", indem sie "Festnahmedokumente" präsentieren, deren Inhalt falsch ist. Mit anderen Worten, wir üben Autorität auf Pflichten aus.
"Verbrechen des Missbrauchs des Amtes von Sonderbeamten" erfordert kein "Vorsatz", also ist diese offensichtliche illegale Handlung "Amtsmissbrauch", also ist das Verbrechen festgestellt.

Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer illegal beschäftigt haben, wurden nicht bestraft.
Nur Ausländer, die illegal gearbeitet haben, werden bestraft.
Dies verstößt gegen internationales Recht, das willkürliche Diskriminierung von Ausländern verbietet.
In diesem Fall müssen beide "unter dem Gesetz gleich" sein. Ausländer sind "unschuldig".

Es gibt viele Opfer um dich herum.

Jeder, jetzt, lass uns helfen!

Im "Gesetzgebungszweck" des Zuwanderungsgesetzes wird die Bestrafung von "Hilfe" oder "Beförderung" gegen illegale Arbeit,
Artikel 73-2 des Immigration Control Act "Sin zur Förderung illegaler Arbeit" muss angewendet werden.

Wir können keine Beihilfe zu Artikel 22-4 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes (Entzug des Aufenthaltsstatus) bestrafen.

Es ist "Fehler" des "anwendbaren Rechts". Natürlich ist es "Unschuld".

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, bitte sorgen Sie sich über die Situation in Japan.

Jeder auf der Welt, bitte machen Japan Japan "unter dem Gesetz des Gesetzes" geregelt.

Die japanische Regierung hat die Pflicht, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie den Schaden so schnell wie möglich zu ersetzen.

Die japanische Regierung ignoriert diesen Fall jedoch heute noch.

Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.

Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)


À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-08-24: Les procureurs sont aussi des êtres humains. Les erreurs doivent "s'excuser" en admettant.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

Et si nous rétablissons l'honneur dans la «procédure du droit», on peut dire que «la gouvernance en vertu de la loi».
Cependant, le procureur ignore les accusations criminelles contre l'infraction pénale du procureur.
Il y a beaucoup de victimes autour de vous.

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais.
"Le crime d'abuser de l'autorité d'agents publics spéciaux", en abusant de son autorité officielle, en arrêtant et en emprisonnant d'autres personnes,
L'établissement est un péché.

Concernant la pertinence des exigences constituant le délit de "crimes d'abus de l'autorité d'agents publics spéciaux"

① que le "sujet" est un fonctionnaire spécial, ...
En fait, ce sont des policiers, des procureurs et des juges.

② Avoir arrêté et capturé des personnes · · ·
Il a été arrêté et confiné comme un fait.

③ "J'ai abusé de l'autorité officielle", il sera établi. · · ·
S'ils abusent de leur fonction ou non.

abuser consiste à "exercer" illégalement par eux en utilisant "l'autorité du travail".
Ses moyens et ses méthodes ne sont pas seulement des agressions et des intimidations.

C'est "légalement" · "virtuellement".
La victime ne peut que choisir d’accepter le résultat.

En d'autres termes, il est dit qu'il suffit à "l'oppression" de la liberté de "prise de décision".

Les responsables de la police judiciaire peuvent enquêter sur le crime et les preuves lorsqu'il est "considéré" qu'il existe un crime.
Il est stipulé.

Par conséquent, si le crime est "impensable"
En d'autres termes, si rien ne viole la loi,
Enquête, arrestation, "incarcération" est "acte illégal".
C'est un "crime d'abus de l'autorité spéciale des agents publics".
Les officiers de police judiciaire "Oppression" la liberté de "prise de décision" en présentant des "documents d'arrestation" dont le contenu est faux. En d'autres termes, nous exerçons une autorité sur les devoirs.
"Le crime d'abus d'office d'agents publics spéciaux" ne nécessite pas de "volonté", de sorte que cet acte illégal manifeste est un "abus d'autorité", de sorte que le crime est établi.

Les employeurs qui ont travaillé illégalement avec des étrangers n'ont pas été punis.
Seuls les étrangers ayant travaillé illégalement sont punis.
Ceci constitue une violation du droit international interdisant la discrimination arbitraire à l'encontre des étrangers.
Dans ce cas, les deux doivent être "égaux devant la loi". Les étrangers sont "innocents".

Il y a beaucoup de victimes autour de vous.

Tout le monde, maintenant, aidons!

Dans la «Loi sur l’immigration» de la loi sur l’immigration, la sanction de «l’assistance» ou de la «promotion» contre le travail illégal,
L'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "Le péché pour promouvoir le travail illégal" doit être appliqué.

Nous ne pouvons pas punir les actes d’aide de l’article 22-4 de la loi sur l’immigration (retrait du statut de résident).

C'est "erreur" de "loi applicable". Bien sûr, c'est "l'innocence".

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît craignez-vous de la situation au Japon.

Tout le monde dans le monde, s'il vous plaît, faites du Japon le Japon "régi par la loi".

Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de rétablir notre honneur et d'indemniser les dommages dès que possible.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ignore toujours cette affaire aujourd'hui.

Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.

Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays repose
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et sa volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-08-24: Prosecutors are also human beings. Mistakes are to "apologize" admitting.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

And if we do restoration of honor in 'procedure of law', 
it can be said that 'governance under the law'. 
However, the prosecutor ignores criminal charges against the criminal offense 
of the prosecutor. 
There are a lot of victims around you, too.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. 
"Crime of abusing the authority of a special civil servant" is a crime of establishment 
by abusing its authority and arresting and confining others.

Regarding the relevance of the requirements constituting the offense of "crimes 
of abusing the authority of special public officials"

① that the "subject" is a special civil servant, ...
In fact, they are policemen, prosecutors and judges.

② Having arrested and captured people · · ·
It was arrested and confined as a fact.

③ "I abused the official authority", it will be established. · · ·
Whether they abuse their job function, or not.

abuse is to illegally "exercise" by them using "job authority". 
Its means and methods are not just assault and intimidation.

It is "legally" · "virtually".

The victim can only choose to "accept" the result.

In other words, 
it is said that it is sufficient to "Oppression" freedom of "decision making".

Judicial police officials can investigate the criminal and evidence 
when it is "considered" that there is a crime.
It is stipulated.

Therefore, it is "illegal act" to investigate, 
arrest, "confinement" if a crime is "unthinkable", 
that is, if none of the laws have been violated. 
It is a "crime of abuse of special public officials' authority."

Judicial police officials "Oppression" the freedom of "decision making" 
by presenting "documents of arrest" whose contents are false. 
In other words, we exercise authority on duties.

"Crime of abusing the ex officio of special public officials" does not require "willful", 
so this obvious illegal act is "abuse of authority", 
so the crime is established.

Employers who have worked foreigners illegally have not been punished. 
Only foreigners who have worked illegally are punished. 
This is a violation of international law prohibiting arbitrary discrimination 
against foreigners. In this case, 
both must be "equal under the law". Foreigners are "innocent."

There are many victims around you.

Everyone, now, let's help!

Under the Immigration Act's "Purpose of Legislation", 
punishment of "assistance" or "promotion" 
against illegal work must apply Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act 
"Crime that promotes illegal labor".

We can not punish aiding acts of Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act
 (withdrawal of status of residence).

It is "error" of "applicable law". 

Of course, it is "innocence".

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor 
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government still ignores this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people 
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. 
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below. 

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-08-24: Prosecutors are also human beings. Mistakes are to "apologize" admitting.

And if we do restoration of honor in 'procedure of law', 
it can be said that 'governance under the law'. 
However, the prosecutor ignores criminal charges against the criminal offense 
of the prosecutor. 
There are a lot of victims around you, too.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. 
"Crime of abusing the authority of a special civil servant" is a crime of establishment 
by abusing its authority and arresting and confining others.

Regarding the relevance of the requirements constituting the offense of "crimes 
of abusing the authority of special public officials"

① that the "subject" is a special civil servant, ...
In fact, they are policemen, prosecutors and judges.

② Having arrested and captured people · · ·
It was arrested and confined as a fact.

③ "I abused the official authority", it will be established. · · ·
Whether they abuse their job function, or not.

abuse is to illegally "exercise" by them using "job authority". 
Its means and methods are not just assault and intimidation.

It is "legally" · "virtually".

The victim can only choose to "accept" the result.

In other words, 
it is said that it is sufficient to "Oppression" freedom of "decision making".

Judicial police officials can investigate the criminal and evidence 
when it is "considered" that there is a crime.
It is stipulated.

Therefore, it is "illegal act" to investigate, 
arrest, "confinement" if a crime is "unthinkable", 
that is, if none of the laws have been violated. 
It is a "crime of abuse of special public officials' authority."

Judicial police officials "Oppression" the freedom of "decision making" 
by presenting "documents of arrest" whose contents are false. 
In other words, we exercise authority on duties.

"Crime of abusing the ex officio of special public officials" does not require "willful", 
so this obvious illegal act is "abuse of authority", 
so the crime is established.

Employers who have worked foreigners illegally have not been punished. 
Only foreigners who have worked illegally are punished. 
This is a violation of international law prohibiting arbitrary discrimination 
against foreigners. In this case, 
both must be "equal under the law". Foreigners are "innocent."

There are many victims around you.

Everyone, now, let's help!

Under the Immigration Act's "Purpose of Legislation", 
punishment of "assistance" or "promotion" 
against illegal work must apply Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act 
"Crime that promotes illegal labor".

We can not punish aiding acts of Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act
 (withdrawal of status of residence).

It is "error" of "applicable law". 

Of course, it is "innocence".

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor 
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government still ignores this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people 
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. 
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below. 

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms 
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt 
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-24】

August 23, 2018

Thank you for your email. Our Nation owes the brave men and women who defend our country a debt of gratitude. Yesterday, I was proud to award posthumously the Medal of Honor to Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman, United States Air Force, for his conspicuous gallantry in making the ultimate sacrifice for his country.
On March 4, 2002, during a helicopter insertion on Takur Ghar mountain in Afghanistan, Sergeant Chapman’s aircraft came under heavy enemy fire and was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. When one of his teammates was ejected from the helicopter before it crash landed in the valley below, Sergeant Chapman selflessly volunteered to return to the snow-capped mountain, into the heart of a known enemy stronghold, in an attempt to rescue his brother in arms. In doing so, he was mortally wounded by enemy gunfire, ultimately laying down his life to save his teammates and defend his country.
Sergeant Chapman’s heroic actions, at the cost of his life, are credited with saving the lives of his teammates. I encourage you to watch the ceremony from yesterday in the East Room of the White House honoring the valor and life of this brave American airman.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.