
2020-09-22:拝啓、 国際機関としての機能をしていない、のは「OHCHR」も同じです。 2018年6月19日、アメリカ合衆国大統領のドナルド・トランプは、国際連合人権理事会からの脱退を表明した。

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。 罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。 検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。 よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。 私は、2つのことを「訴えて」います。 1)外国人が「在留の資格」以外の「違法な労働」を行った。しかし外国人は無罪です。 2)検察は「入管法22-4-4条の支援」を理由として、入管法70条に対して刑法の60条および62条の 「他の犯罪を支援する罪」を「適用」したが「適用する法律の誤り」です。 私は、私および中国人、フィリッピン大使館関係者に対する、 「名誉の回復」と「賠償」を求めます。 2020-09-22:拝啓、 国際機関としての機能をしていない、のは「OHCHR」も同じです。 2018年6月19日、アメリカ合衆国大統領のドナルド・トランプは、国際連合人権理事会からの脱退を表明した。 「ICC」へと「同様」に、私は「OHCHR」へ毎日メールをしている。 日本は「死刑制度」や「通報制度」を批准していない。 これでは、日本は「人権を擁護する国」とは言えない。「OHCHR」は「賄賂」で動いている、としか思えない。 2019年7月11日、日本や欧州連合諸国など22カ国の大使が、 中国の新疆ウイグル再教育キャンプを非難する共同書簡を理事会に提出した。 これに対して2019年7月26日、パレスチナ自治政府とアラブ諸国、アフリカ連合諸国、 イラン、パキスタン、ベラルーシ、トルクメニスタン、キューバ、ベネズエラ、フィリピン、 ミャンマー、北朝鮮、シリア、ロシアなど50カ国の大使が、連名で、中国を支持する書簡を理事会に提出した。 もはや世界は「人権」に対する「価値観」が違いすぎる。 「国際連合人権理事会」や「国際連合人権高等弁務官事務所」は解体すべきである。 第1部。2018年6月19日、アメリカ合衆国大統領のドナルド・トランプは、 国際連合人権理事会からの脱退を表明した。 2020年6月17日、「ジョージ・フロイド」の死に 「端を発した」アメリカ国内及び世界各地での人種差別状況について討議した。 アメリカ合衆国のバラク・オバマ政権の人権担当のアメリカ国連大使だったキース・ハーパーは言った。 2006年の設立から「2009年のアメリ

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-22: Cher Monsieur, "HCDH" semble "demander" "wairo".

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-22: Cher Monsieur, Il en va de même pour le "HCDH", qui ne fonctionne pas comme une institution internationale. Le 19 juin 2018, le président américain Donald Trump a annoncé son retrait du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies. J'envoie des e-mails au "HCDH" tous les jours, tout comme "ICC". Le Japon n'a pas ratifié le "système de la peine de mort" ou le "système de notification". Avec cela, on ne peut pas dire que le Japon est un "pays qui défend les droits de l'homme". "HCDH" semble "demander" "wairo". Le 11 juillet 2019, des ambassadeurs de 22 pays, dont le Japon et l'Union européenne, ont soumis une lettre conjointe au conseil condamnant le camp de rééducation ouïgour du Xinjiang en Chine. En réponse, le 26 juillet 2019, des ambassadeurs de 50 pays, dont le gouvernement autonome palestinien et les pays arabes, les pay

An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Ich sende jeden Tag eine E-Mail an "OHCHR", genau wie "ICC".

 An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-22: Sehr geehrter Herr, Gleiches gilt für "OHCHR", das nicht als internationale Institution fungiert. Am 19. Juni 2018 kündigte der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, Donald Trump, seinen Rücktritt aus dem Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen an. Ich sende jeden Tag eine E-Mail an "OHCHR", genau wie "ICC". Japan hat das "Todesstrafen-System" oder das "Meldesystem" nicht ratifiziert. Man kann daher nicht sagen, dass Japan ein "Land ist, das die Menschenrechte verteidigt". Ich kann nur denken, dass "OHCHR" "wairo" "anfordert". Am 11. Juli 2019 reichten Botschafter aus 22 Ländern, darunter Japan und die Europäische Union, einen gemeinsamen Brief an den Vorstand ein, in dem sie das chinesische Umerziehungslager Xinjiang Uygur verurteilten. Als Reaktion darauf am 26. Juli 2019 Botschafter aus 50 Ländern, darunter die Palästinensische Autonome

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister On June 19, 2018, United States President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

 <Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-22: Dear Sir, The same is true for "OHCHR", which does not function as an international organization.  On June 19, 2018, United States President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal  from the United Nations Human Rights Council. "Similarly" to "ICC", I email "OHCHR" every day. Japan has not ratified the "death penalty system" or the "reporting system."  With this, Japan cannot be said to be a "country that defends human rights."  I can only think that "OHCHR" works with "bribery". On July 11, 2019, ambassadors from 22 countries, including Japan and the European Union,  submitted a joint letter to the board condemning China's Xinjiang Uighur Re-education Camp. In response, on July 26, 2019, the Palestinian Autonomous Government  and ambassadors from 50 countries including Arab countries, African U

To President Trump 2020-09-22: Dear Sir, The same is true for "OHCHR", which does not function as an international organization.

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! This is a "recent" case. The second "exile" from China is a Chinese soldier. He "exile" to Europe. It turned out that it provided information on China's "secret biological weapons program" to "Western" intelligence authorities. 2020-09-22: Dear Sir, The same is true for "OHCHR", which does not function as an international organization.  On June 19, 2018, United States President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal  from the United Nations Human Rights Council. "Similarly" to "ICC", I email "OHCHR" every day. Japan has not ratified the "death penalty system" or the "reporting system."  With this, Japan cannot be said to be a "country that defends human rights."  I can only think that "OHCHR" works with "bribery".

It turned out that it provided information on China's "secret biological weapons program" to "Western" intelligence authorities.

 This is a "recent" case. The second "exile" from China is a Chinese soldier. He "exile" to Europe. It turned out that it provided information on China's "secret biological weapons program" to "Western" intelligence authorities. 2020-09-22: Dear Sir, The same is true for "OHCHR", which does not function as an international organization.  On June 19, 2018, United States President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal  from the United Nations Human Rights Council. "Similarly" to "ICC", I email "OHCHR" every day. Japan has not ratified the "death penalty system" or the "reporting system."  With this, Japan cannot be said to be a "country that defends human rights."  I can only think that "OHCHR" works with "bribery". On July 11, 2019, ambassadors from 22 countries, including Japan and the European Union,

This is a "recent" case. The second "exile" from China is a Chinese soldier. He "exile" to Europe.

 This is a "recent" case. The second "exile" from China is a Chinese soldier. He "exile" to Europe. It turned out that it provided information on China's "secret biological weapons program" to "Western" intelligence authorities. 2020-09-22: Dear Sir, The same is true for "OHCHR", which does not function as an international organization.  On June 19, 2018, United States President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal  from the United Nations Human Rights Council. "Similarly" to "ICC", I email "OHCHR" every day. Japan has not ratified the "death penalty system" or the "reporting system."  With this, Japan cannot be said to be a "country that defends human rights."  I can only think that "OHCHR" works with "bribery". On July 11, 2019, ambassadors from 22 countries, including Japan and the European Union,

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-21: Cher Monsieur, J'envoie toujours des courriels à l'ICC tous les jours. (Le contenu est "le même" que la transmission aux dirigeants de chaque pays).

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-21: Cher Monsieur, Le gouvernement américain a annoncé des sanctions contre Ben Soda, procureur en chef de la CPI. Je soutiens le gouvernement américain. J'ai fait appel à plusieurs reprises à la «CPI» pour «des crimes individuels commis par des procureurs et juges du gouvernement japonais». Mais ils ont «ignoré» les lettres et les courriels que j'ai envoyés. J'envoie toujours des courriels à l'ICC tous les jours. (Le contenu est "le même" que la transmission aux dirigeants de chaque pays). La raison en est qu'il «correspond» au Règlement romain de la Cour pénale internationale et à «l'attaque grave» contre «l'état de droit» général. Cependant, "ICC" dit qu'il est "applicable" à "l'armée américaine" et à "l'agence de renseignement américaine". C'est "une attaque sérieuse contre la réglementation romaine de la Cour pénale internationale et la&

An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-21: Sehr geehrter Herr, Ich sende immer noch jeden Tag E-Mails an den ICC. (Der Inhalt ist "der gleiche" wie die Übermittlung an die Staats- und Regierungschefs jedes Landes).

 An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-21: Sehr geehrter Herr, Die US-Regierung hat Sanktionen für Ben Soda, Generalstaatsanwalt des IStGH, angekündigt. Ich unterstütze die US-Regierung. Ich habe wiederholt beim "IStGH" wegen "individueller Verbrechen japanischer Staatsanwälte und Richter" appelliert. Aber sie haben die Briefe und E-Mails, die ich gesendet habe, "ignoriert". Ich sende immer noch jeden Tag E-Mails an den ICC. (Der Inhalt ist "der gleiche" wie die Übermittlung an die Staats- und Regierungschefs jedes Landes). Der Grund ist, dass es den römischen Vorschriften des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs und dem "schweren Angriff" auf die allgemeine "Rechtsstaatlichkeit" "entspricht". "ICC" sagt jedoch, dass es für "US-Militär" und "US-Geheimdienst" "anwendbar" ist. Es ist "ein schwerer Angriff auf die römischen Vorschriften des Internationalen Stra

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-21: Dear Sir, The US government has announced sanctions for Ben Soda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC. I support the US government.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-21: Dear Sir, The US government has announced sanctions for Ben Soda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC.  I support the US government.  I have repeatedly appealed to the "ICC" for "individual crimes of Japanese government prosecutors and judges."  They are ignoring. I still send emails to the ICC every day.  (The content is the same as the transmission to the leaders of each country). The reason is that it "corresponds" to the "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"  and the "serious attack" on the general "rule of law". Yet, the "ICC" tells the "US military" and "US intelligence"  that it "corresponds" to a serious attack on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court  and the "general rule of law." The "ICC" only appears to be demanding a "bribery" from the United States.  The "ICC&qu

To President Trump 2020-09-21: Dear Sir, Does the US buy even "video posting apps" from China? President Trump approves TikTok's proposal to partner with US company

  To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Does the US buy even "video posting apps" from China? President Trump approves TikTok's proposal to partner with US company 2020-09-21: Dear Sir, The US government has announced sanctions for Ben Soda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC.  I support the US government.  I have repeatedly appealed to the "ICC" for "individual crimes of Japanese government prosecutors and judges."  They are ignoring. I still send emails to the ICC every day.  (The content is the same as the transmission to the leaders of each country). The reason is that it "corresponds" to the "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"  and the "serious attack" on the general "rule of law". Yet, the "ICC" tells the "US military" and "US intelligence"  that it &q

米国は「動画投稿アプリ」でさえ中国から買うんのか! トランプ大統領 TikTokの米企業との提携案を承認

 米国は「動画投稿アプリ」でさえ中国から買うんのか! トランプ大統領 TikTokの米企業との提携案を承認 2020-09-21:拝啓、 米政府が「ICC」のベンソーダ主任検察官らの制裁を発表した。私は米国政府を支持します。 私は「日本政府の検察官や裁判官の個人犯罪」を、「ICC」に何度も訴えました。 彼らは無視をしています。 私は今も、毎日、ICCへメールを送信しています。(内容は各国の首脳への送信と同じです)。 理由は「国際刑事裁判所ローマ規程、および一般的な「法の支配」に対する「重大な攻撃」に「該当」する」からです。 なのに「ICC」は「米軍」と「米情報機関」に対しては、 「国際刑事裁判所のローマ規程、および「一般的な法の支配」に対する重大な攻撃に「該当」する」と言う。 「ICC」は米国に対して「賄賂」を要求しているとしか見えない。 もはや「ICC」は国際機関としての信用を失っている。解体すべきです。 米国務省のポンペオ長官は、「ICC]を解体して、ください。 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

Does the US buy even "video posting apps" from China? President Trump approves TikTok's proposal to partner with US company

 Does the US buy even "video posting apps" from China? President Trump approves TikTok's proposal to partner with US company 2020-09-21: Dear Sir, The US government has announced sanctions for Ben Soda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC.  I support the US government.  I have repeatedly appealed to the "ICC" for "individual crimes of Japanese government prosecutors and judges."  They are ignoring. I still send emails to the ICC every day.  (The content is the same as the transmission to the leaders of each country). The reason is that it "corresponds" to the "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"  and the "serious attack" on the general "rule of law". Yet, the "ICC" tells the "US military" and "US intelligence"  that it "corresponds" to a serious attack on the Rome Statute of the International Crimina

2020年09月20日:日曜版。拝啓、 アメリカやその同盟国は中国に代わる「安価な製造地帯」を必要としています。 そのため私はメキシコ国境のアメリカ側に「特別地帯」を建設することを提案しています。 これも新しい「アメリカンドリーム」のチャンスです。

 2020年09月20日:日曜版。拝啓、 アメリカやその同盟国は中国に代わる「安価な製造地帯」を必要としています。 そのため私はメキシコ国境のアメリカ側に「特別地帯」を建設することを提案しています。 これも新しい「アメリカンドリーム」のチャンスです。 これはアメリカだけのメリットではありません。特別地帯の建設には膨大な建設資材を必要とします。 そして稼働した工場へ「サプライチェーン」で「製品の部材」を輸出できます。 中南米の諸国は国民を「暫定移民」として輸出することにより、彼らからの送金で財政が豊かになります。 特別地帯を1億人程度の規模にすれば、日本での消費の規模の程度になります。 米国の農家は中国に依存しなくても米国内で農作物や畜産物が販売できます。 中国を「デカップリング」するためには大胆な政策が必要です。 第1部。アメリカと同盟国は、強い経済関係で結ばれることが大事です。 しかし、米国は中国との貿易を重視して、巨額の貿易赤字により、巨額のドルを中国に渡してきました。 それで米国は、同盟国に対して、わずかな貿易赤字の解消を求めてきました。 さらに、米国は「安全保障のために駐留する米軍の軍事費」の「負担の増額」まで「押し付け」て、きました。 全ては中国との貿易赤字が原因です。 中国の外交政策は「ハニートラップ」による「戦略」だと思います。 中国の前は「日本」の「やり方」でした。 欧米諸国は、経験しない「儒教文化」に嵌ったのです。 幸い、日本に対しては欧米諸国は「日本叩き」で、日本の「ハニートラップ」を「撃退」しました。 欧米諸国がやるべきことは中国の「ハニートラップ」から抜け出すことです。 これは政治家だけではなく、一般の国民も同じです。 今も毎日、どこかで「ハニートラップ」が「行われ」ています。 そして最新技術や「国防の情報」はどんどん漏洩しています。 一般の国民までが、安価な中国製品の罠に嵌っています。 先進諸国の「インテリ層」は口では「人権」を口にしますが、 「強制労働」そして「奴隷労働」で作られた中国製品を好んで購入しています。 これも「ハニートラップ」に落ちていると、言える、かもしれません。 中国!米国とデカップリングなら潜在成長率3.5%に低下へ「ブルームバーグ・エコノミクス」が分析。

Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants" and remittances from them will enrich their finances.

 September 20, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The United States and its allies need an "cheap manufacturing zone" to replace China. That's why I'm proposing to build a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border. This is another chance for a new "American dream". This is not just an advantage in the United States.  Construction of special zones requires enormous construction materials.  Then, you can export "product parts" to the factory in operation in the "supply chain".  Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants"  and remittances from them will enrich their finances.  If the special zone is made to have a scale of about 100 million people,  it will be about the scale of consumption in Japan.  Farmers in the United States can sell crops and livestock products  in the United States without relying on China. Bold policies are needed to "decouple" China. Part 1 It i

This is another chance for a new "American dream". This is not just an advantage in the United States. Construction of special zones requires enormous construction materials.

 September 20, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The United States and its allies need an "cheap manufacturing zone" to replace China. That's why I'm proposing to build a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border. This is another chance for a new "American dream". This is not just an advantage in the United States.  Construction of special zones requires enormous construction materials.  Then, you can export "product parts" to the factory in operation in the "supply chain".  Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants"  and remittances from them will enrich their finances.  If the special zone is made to have a scale of about 100 million people,  it will be about the scale of consumption in Japan.  Farmers in the United States can sell crops and livestock products  in the United States without relying on China. Bold policies are needed to "decouple" China. Part 1 It i

That's why I'm proposing to build a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border.

 September 20, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The United States and its allies need an "cheap manufacturing zone" to replace China. That's why I'm proposing to build a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border. This is another chance for a new "American dream". This is not just an advantage in the United States.  Construction of special zones requires enormous construction materials.  Then, you can export "product parts" to the factory in operation in the "supply chain".  Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants"  and remittances from them will enrich their finances.  If the special zone is made to have a scale of about 100 million people,  it will be about the scale of consumption in Japan.  Farmers in the United States can sell crops and livestock products  in the United States without relying on China. Bold policies are needed to "decouple" China. Part 1 It i

September 20, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The United States and its allies need an "cheap manufacturing zone" to replace China.

 September 20, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The United States and its allies need an "cheap manufacturing zone" to replace China. That's why I'm proposing to build a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border. This is another chance for a new "American dream". This is not just an advantage in the United States.  Construction of special zones requires enormous construction materials.  Then, you can export "product parts" to the factory in operation in the "supply chain".  Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants"  and remittances from them will enrich their finances.  If the special zone is made to have a scale of about 100 million people,  it will be about the scale of consumption in Japan.  Farmers in the United States can sell crops and livestock products  in the United States without relying on China. Bold policies are needed to "decouple" China. Part 1 It i

Part 1 These policies will once again make the United States the world's factory. DGP in the United States develops tremendously. China has stopped economic growth in developed countries by the Paris Treaty.

 September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt." 1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks".  We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains".  By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced". 2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2".  By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains". 3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products.  We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes. 4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity.  "Hydrog

4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity. "Hydrogen stations" that use hydrogen gas as fuel instead of gasoline should be installed "nationwide." A "US car" should be a "hydrogen fuel" "reciprocating engine car" within 10 years.

 September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt." 1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks".  We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains".  By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced". 2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2".  By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains". 3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products.  We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes. 4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity.  "Hydrog

3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products. We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes.

 September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt." 1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks".  We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains".  By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced". 2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2".  By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains". 3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products.  We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes. 4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity.  "Hydrog

2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2". By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains".

 September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt." 1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks".  We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains".  By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced". 2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2".  By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains". 3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products.  We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes. 4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity.  "Hydrog

1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks". We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains". By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced".

 September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt." 1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks".  We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains".  By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced". 2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2".  By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains". 3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products.  We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes. 4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity.  "Hydrog

September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt."

 September 19, 2020 :: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This is an American dream that unites the hearts of the American people. The revival of US manufacturing should begin by turning a "rusty belt" into a "golden belt." 1) Build a "state-of-the-art integrated steelworks".  We produce the world's lowest cost "steel products" from "iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains".  By this, "iron is a nation" should be "reproduced". 2) We will continue to build "coal-fired power plants" that recover 100% of "CO2".  By this, "electric power r is a nation" should be "reproduced" in "Coal of the Appalachian Mountains". 3) The recovered "CO2" is "recycled" to produce "carbon fiber" products.  We should "mandatory" the use of "carbon fiber" in automobiles and airplanes. 4) Manufacture hydrogen gas with cheap electricity.  "Hydrog