To Everyone in the world 2018-06-05: Prime Minister Mody of India, Thank you for accepting a large number of asylum Tibetans to this day. What is necessary for Indian democracies to become a great country is "human rights".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

I think that "rape case" will also disappear if the status system is gone.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
North Korea is not the only illegal 'kidnapping confinement'. Please help.

Prime Minister Narendora Modi in India, thank you for your email every week.

I like the Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
He is a socialist, domestically,
because he adhered to the democratic regime and made India the world's largest democracy.

The present world is a socialist state = dictatorship like China,
but Prime Minister Nehru was a wonderful politician.

On March 31, 1959, Neruin's first Prime Minister accepted Dalai Lama XIV's asylum to India.
It continued to protect the Dalai Lama 14th after the Chinese Indian border war started
on October 20, 1959, accepted (Tibetan exile) government
and many exile Tibetans to the day to the day, to Tibetan Buddhism
It is the base of culture

Today, with the immigration problem,
the EU is stalled but Prime Minister Nehru accepted
the asylum of the Dalai Lama XIV until quarreling
with China and I respected to accept a large number of exiled Tibetans to this day .

I would like to ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The birthplace of Buddhism is India.
Buddhist teachings are freedom and equality.
I want you to abolish the status system.
What is necessary for India to become a power country is "human rights".
I would like to think that "rape case" will also disappear if the status system is gone.

Everyone in the world, do not you think so?
Also please be interested in Japanese human rights issues.

Everyone, please support me and the victims of the world with justice.

The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
I need your courage. Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



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