
Thanks for human rights 【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-24】Tearing down barriers to work

The White House • July 23, 2018

The Day Ahead 

President Donald J. Trump hosts Made in America Day at the White House, celebrating products made in the United States. Watch live at 3 p.m. ET. 

Tearing down barriers to work

We must tear down unnecessary barriers to work,” Labor Secretary Alex Acosta wrote Friday. “Excessive licensing forces individuals, like barbers, teachers and nurses, who move from state to state, to give up their career or retake certifications and pay high fees to get back to work.” He called on states to reevaluate their approaches.
On the heels of last week’s Pledge to America’s Workers, where more than 20 companies committed to investing in 3.8 million opportunities for our Nation’s workforce, Secretary Acosta ran through the myriad other ways the Trump Administration is expanding opportunity for all Americans: 
The President has restored a commonsense approach to regulation, which should “focus on protecting health and safety,” Secretary Acosta says. 
The Administration is helping transition Americans who are reentering society from prison to jobs, releasing $84.4 million in grants to community groups. 
A new Executive Order in May helps alleviate the burden for military spouses as their families are reassigned from one state to another.
Thanks in part to tax cuts and reform, record unemployment lows were set for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans.

America’s reenergized space program

Friday marked Space Exploration Day, which commemorates the 1969 landing of the lunar module Eagle. Six hours after it touched down, Neil Armstrong became the first human in history to walk on the surface of the Moon.
Since I took office, my Administration has refocused our Nation’s space program on returning to the Moon, growing space commerce, leading the way for a human mission to Mars, and unveiling the secrets of our universe,” President Trump wrote Friday. “The exploration and development of space represent the best of American values, and we seek to ensure those values have a permanent place beyond Earth.”

Photo of the Day

<iframe width="583" height="328" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Wy_b5On26D0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Official White House Photo by Keegan Barber

A section of the Lockheed Martin F-35 aircraft is delivered to the South Lawn of the White House for the Made in America Product Showcase | July 21, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-07-24: President Donald Trump takes care of the rule of law. The Chinese government and the Philippine government ignored the rule of law without defending their citizens. Only the international community protects them.

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law".
Immigration law Article 70 Penal Provisions: Even in lawful stay,
labor at "Out of Status of Residence" is illegal.
Immigration law 73-2 Penal Provisions: Employment of foreigners
of "Out of Status of Residence" is illegal even in lawful stay.

Application of indictment: Article 70 (1) (4) of the same law,
Article 70 Any person who falls under any of the following items shall,
Imprisonment with work for not more than 3 years or imprisonment without work
or a fine of 3 million yen or less,
Or imprisonment with or imprisonment without work or fine and fine.

1, 2, 3 omitted

4 A person who is clearly authorized to be exclusively engaged
in activities to operate a business involving income
or to receive remuneration in violation of Article 19, paragraph 1

Article 19 (Scope of Activity) Application of indictment: Article 19 (1) (1)

A person residing with the status of residence listed
in the upper column of Appended Table 1 shall not perform the activities listed
in the respective items in accordance with the categories listed
in the following items, except in cases where they are obtained under the permission
of the following paragraph.

(I) A person residing with the status of residence as listed
in the first column of the attached table 1, the second table,
and the fifth table in accordance with the status of residence according to the status
of residence according to the status listed
in the lower column of these tables Activities or remuneration
(excluding honorary fees for lectures not done as business,
temporary remuneration due to daily life and other matters specified by an ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice, the same shall apply hereinafter)

Four Chinese received criminal punishment as stipulated
by the Immigration Control Law as stated above.
However, no employer responsible for hiring four unqualified employees will be punished.
This is illegal. It is a dirty punishment. It is a violation of international law.
With equality under the law, the four Chinese are acquitted just like employers.
The Chinese government and the Philippine government can not say this to Japan.
Is it a honey trap?

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


# MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-07-24: Präsident Donald Trump kümmert sich um die Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung ignorierten die Rechtsstaatlichkeit, ohne ihre Bürger zu verteidigen. Nur die internationale Gemeinschaft schützt sie.

<Öffentliche Post>

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Bitte verstehen Sie die gerichtlichen "Verbrechen aufgrund von Fehlern im anwendbaren Recht".
Zuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 70 Strafbestimmungen: Auch bei rechtmäßigem Aufenthalt ist die Arbeit bei "Out of Residence" illegal.
Einwanderungsgesetz 73-2 Strafbestimmungen: Die Beschäftigung von Ausländern mit "Aus dem Aufenthaltsstatus" ist auch bei rechtmäßigem Aufenthalt illegal.

Anklageschrift: Art. 70 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 des Gesetzes,

Artikel 70 Jede Person, die unter einen der folgenden Punkte fällt,
Inhaftierung mit Arbeit für nicht mehr als 3 Jahre oder Freiheitsstrafe ohne Arbeit oder Geldstrafe von 3 Millionen Yen oder weniger,
Oder Freiheitsstrafe oder Freiheitsstrafe ohne Arbeit oder Geldstrafe.

1, 2, 3 weggelassen
4 Tätigkeiten, die unter Verstoß gegen Artikel 19 Absatz 1 mit Einkünften betrieben werden
Diejenigen, die eindeutig anerkannt sind, dass sie ausschließlich an Aktivitäten teilnehmen, die eine Entschädigung erhalten

Artikel 19 (Tätigkeitsumfang) Anklageschrift: Artikel 19 Absatz 1 (1)
  Eine Person mit Wohnsitzstatus, die in der oberen Spalte der beigefügten Tabelle 1 aufgeführt ist, muss, soweit dies nach dem folgenden Absatz zulässig ist,
  Gemäß den in den folgenden Punkten aufgeführten Kategorien dürfen sie die in den jeweiligen Punkten aufgeführten Tätigkeiten nicht ausführen.
(I) Eine Person mit Wohnsitz in der ersten Spalte der Tabelle 1, der zweiten Tabelle und der fünften Spalte in der oberen Spalte
Gesetz oder Vergütung für den Betrieb eines Unternehmens mit Einnahmen, die nicht zu den in der unteren Spalte dieser Tabellen aufgeführten Tätigkeiten gehören, nach dem Status des Wohnsitzes
(Honorar für Vorlesungen, die nicht als Geschäft gemacht werden,
Außerordentliche, dem täglichen Leben und anderen in einer Verordnung des Justizministeriums vorgesehenen Gegenstände zu zahlende Vergütungen sind ausgeschlossen. Das selbe unten. Aktivitäten zu empfangen

Vier Chinesen erhielten, wie oben erwähnt, eine Strafbestrafung gemäß dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz.
Kein Arbeitgeber, der für die Einstellung von vier unqualifizierten Mitarbeitern verantwortlich ist, wird bestraft.
Das ist illegal. Es ist eine schmutzige Strafe. Es ist eine Verletzung des internationalen Rechts.

Mit Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz werden die vier Chinesen ebenso wie die Arbeitgeber freigesprochen.
Die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung können das nicht nach Japan sagen. Ist es eine Honigfalle?

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Geiste des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben und sich zu engagieren.
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, die Hand zu reichen.

Das Material ist unten.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

# MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-07-24: Le président Donald Trump s'occupe de la primauté du droit. Le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement philippin ont ignoré la primauté du droit sans défendre leurs citoyens. Seule la communauté internationale les protège.

<Public mail>

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. S'il vous plaît comprendre le "crime" judiciaire en raison d'erreurs dans la loi applicable ".
Loi sur l'immigration Article 70 Dispositions pénales: Même en séjour légal, le travail à "hors statut de résidence" est illégal.
Loi sur l'immigration 73-2 Dispositions pénales: L'emploi d'étrangers "hors statut de résidence" est illégal même en séjour légal.

Application de l'acte d'accusation: article 70 (1) (4) de la même loi,

Article 70 Toute personne qui tombe sous l'un des points suivants doit:
Emprisonnement au travail pour une durée maximale de trois ans ou peine d'emprisonnement sans travail ou amende de 3 millions de yen ou moins,
Ou emprisonnement avec ou emprisonnement sans travail ou amende et amende.

1, 2, 3 omis
4 Activités d'exploitation avec revenus en violation de l'article 19, paragraphe 1
Ceux qui sont clairement reconnus pour être exclusivement engagés dans des activités qui reçoivent une compensation

Article 19 (Champ d'application) Application de l'acte d'accusation: Article 19 (1) (1)
  Une personne résidant avec le statut de résidence énuméré dans la colonne supérieure du tableau 1 annexé doit, sauf dans la mesure autorisée par le paragraphe suivant,
  Conformément aux catégories énumérées dans les points suivants, ils ne doivent pas exercer les activités énumérées dans les éléments respectifs.
(I) Une personne résidant avec le statut de résidence de la première colonne du tableau 1 annexé, le deuxième tableau, et la cinquième colonne dans la colonne supérieure
Loi ou rémunération pour l'exploitation d'une entreprise dont le revenu ne correspond pas aux activités énumérées dans la colonne inférieure de ces tableaux selon le statut de résidence
(Honorarium pour des conférences non faites en tant qu'entreprise,
Les rémunérations extraordinaires accompagnant la vie quotidienne et les autres objets spécifiés par une ordonnance du ministère de la Justice sont exclus. La même chose ci-dessous. Activités à recevoir

Quatre Chinois ont reçu une sanction pénale comme stipulé par la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, comme indiqué ci-dessus.
Cependant, aucun employeur responsable de l'embauche de quatre employés non qualifiés ne sera puni.
C'est illégal. C'est une punition sale. C'est une violation du droit international.

Avec l'égalité devant la loi, les quatre Chinois sont acquittés comme les employeurs.
Le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement philippin ne peuvent pas le dire au Japon. Est-ce un piège à miel?

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays réside
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et sa volonté de rester informé et de s'impliquer.
Le président Trump apprécie que vous preniez le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-07-24: President Donald Trump takes care of the rule of law. The Chinese government and the Philippine government ignored the rule of law without defending their citizens. Only the international community protects them.

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law".
Immigration law Article 70 Penal Provisions: Even in lawful stay,
labor at "Out of Status of Residence" is illegal.
Immigration law 73-2 Penal Provisions: Employment of foreigners
of "Out of Status of Residence" is illegal even in lawful stay.

Application of indictment: Article 70 (1) (4) of the same law,
Article 70 Any person who falls under any of the following items shall,
Imprisonment with work for not more than 3 years or imprisonment without work
or a fine of 3 million yen or less,
Or imprisonment with or imprisonment without work or fine and fine.

1, 2, 3 omitted

4 A person who is clearly authorized to be exclusively engaged
in activities to operate a business involving income
or to receive remuneration in violation of Article 19, paragraph 1

Article 19 (Scope of Activity) Application of indictment: Article 19 (1) (1)

A person residing with the status of residence listed
in the upper column of Appended Table 1 shall not perform the activities listed
in the respective items in accordance with the categories listed
in the following items, except in cases where they are obtained under the permission
of the following paragraph.

(I) A person residing with the status of residence as listed
in the first column of the attached table 1, the second table,
and the fifth table in accordance with the status of residence according to the status
of residence according to the status listed
in the lower column of these tables Activities or remuneration
(excluding honorary fees for lectures not done as business,
temporary remuneration due to daily life and other matters specified by an ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice, the same shall apply hereinafter)

Four Chinese received criminal punishment as stipulated
by the Immigration Control Law as stated above.
However, no employer responsible for hiring four unqualified employees will be punished.
This is illegal. It is a dirty punishment. It is a violation of international law.
With equality under the law, the four Chinese are acquitted just like employers.
The Chinese government and the Philippine government can not say this to Japan.
Is it a honey trap?

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-07-24: President Donald Trump takes care of the rule of law. The Chinese government and the Philippine government ignored the rule of law without defending their citizens. Only the international community protects them.

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law".
Immigration law Article 70 Penal Provisions: Even in lawful stay,
labor at "Out of Status of Residence" is illegal.
Immigration law 73-2 Penal Provisions: Employment of foreigners
of "Out of Status of Residence" is illegal even in lawful stay.

Application of indictment: Article 70 (1) (4) of the same law,
Article 70 Any person who falls under any of the following items shall,
Imprisonment with work for not more than 3 years or imprisonment without work
or a fine of 3 million yen or less,
Or imprisonment with or imprisonment without work or fine and fine.

1, 2, 3 omitted

4 A person who is clearly authorized to be exclusively engaged
in activities to operate a business involving income
or to receive remuneration in violation of Article 19, paragraph 1

Article 19 (Scope of Activity) Application of indictment: Article 19 (1) (1)

A person residing with the status of residence listed
in the upper column of Appended Table 1 shall not perform the activities listed
in the respective items in accordance with the categories listed
in the following items, except in cases where they are obtained under the permission
of the following paragraph.

(I) A person residing with the status of residence as listed
in the first column of the attached table 1, the second table,
and the fifth table in accordance with the status of residence according to the status
of residence according to the status listed
in the lower column of these tables Activities or remuneration
(excluding honorary fees for lectures not done as business,
temporary remuneration due to daily life and other matters specified by an ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice, the same shall apply hereinafter)

Four Chinese received criminal punishment as stipulated
by the Immigration Control Law as stated above.
However, no employer responsible for hiring four unqualified employees will be punished.
This is illegal. It is a dirty punishment. It is a violation of international law.
With equality under the law, the four Chinese are acquitted just like employers.
The Chinese government and the Philippine government can not say this to Japan.
Is it a honey trap?

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-07-23】 July 22, 2018 Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions.

On Thursday, I was proud to sign an Executive Order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker. With unemployment rates reaching record lows, America’s labor force is stronger than ever. To help build on this success, my Administration is pledging to deliver on its promise to prioritize, expand, and improve workforce training so that all Americans have the chance to move into better jobs and earn bigger paychecks.
I encourage you to watch the incredible event at the White House as I take an important step in investing in a new generation of American workers. As President, I will continue to fight each day to implement policies and initiatives that benefit hardworking Americans.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-07-23:President Donald Trump takes care of the rule of law. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law". Chinese worked as "other than status of residence".

<Public mail>
The Chinese government and the Philippine government ignored the rule of law
without defending their citizens. Only the international community protects them.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law".
Chinese worked as "other than status of residence".
This is the letter of prosecution written by the prosecutor, saying that we assisted illegal work.
Punishment will be judged based on indictment content.

Accused fact

The two defendants made a collusion,
First. "Chang", a foreign national of the People's Republic of China,
changed its status of residence to "interrogation knowledge / international work",
renewed his / her period of stay and stayed in Japan,
and allowed the Minister of Justice ' "From March 26, 2009 to May 11, 2010,
he worked as an employee at a restaurant" NNNN Nihonbashi Store "located at 2-chome Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Therefore,
when he did obviously "receive compensation not belonging to the activity
corresponding to" qualification to stay "activities.

About November 2008, the accused "Nagano Yasuhiro" received a request
from the aforementioned "Chang".
The truth is that there is no fact that said "Chang" was hired by Lefco.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" knew that "Chang" would do activities other than qualification.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" created "False Employment Contract Documents"
at Lefco's office ("Yasuhiro Nagano" will serve as the representative director).
"Chang" is hired by Lefco, and it is contents to work in the work of programmers etc.
This is a document attached to "Change of status of residence"
("Humanities knowledge / international work") to Tokyo immigration office.

After that, "Kin Gungaku" delivered the above-mentioned "employment contract documents
with false contents" to "Chang" at "NN Coffee Shop" (Higashidanabe, Tokyo).
"Chang" submitted the above-mentioned "false employment contract documents, etc."
together with the application period renewal period (qualification) to Tokyo Immigration Bureau
in Minato-ku, Tokyo on December 15, the same year.
And "Chang" got permission on March 23rd, 2010

Below, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th are the same contents.

Therefore, the two persons "assisted" to facilitate the "activities outside the status
of residence" of 4 people such as "Chang".

Name of sin, and punishment
Violation of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Article 70, paragraph 1,
item 4, Article 19 paragraph 1 item 1
Article 62 (1) of the Penal Code, Article 60

In the prosecution letter, the acts
that I and Kin Gungaku did are describe the aid acts of (false document preparation)
in paragraph 4 of Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act.
Punishment for aiding aid against "cancellation of status of residence" is impossible.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-07-23: Präsident Donald Trump kümmert sich um die Rechtsstaatlichkeit.

<Öffentliche Post>
Die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung ignorierten die Rechtsstaatlichkeit, ohne ihre Bürger zu verteidigen. Nur die internationale Gemeinschaft schützt sie.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Bitte verstehen Sie die gerichtlichen "Verbrechen aufgrund von Fehlern im anwendbaren Recht".
Chinesen arbeiteten als "andere als Aufenthaltsstatus". Das heißt, dass wir illegale Arbeit unterstützt haben,
Es ist der Strafantrag des Staatsanwalts. Die Bestrafung wird anhand des Anklagegehaltes beurteilt.

Beschuldigte Tatsache
Die beiden Angeklagten haben eine geheime Absprache getroffen,
Erstens. "Chang", ein Ausländer der Volksrepublik China, änderte den Aufenthaltsstatus in "Verhörwissen / internationale Arbeit"
Ich blieb in Japan, indem ich die Aufenthaltsdauer verlängerte und ohne die Erlaubnis des "Justizministers für Aktivitäten außerhalb meines Aufenthaltsstatus" zu erhalten.
Zwischen dem 26. März 2009 und dem 11. Mai 2010
Ich arbeitete als Angestellter in einem Restaurant "NNNN Nihonbashi Store" in Nihonbashi 2 Chome Chuo-ku, Tokio.
Deshalb, wenn er offensichtlich "Entschädigung erhalten hat, die der Tätigkeit nicht gehört, die Tätigkeiten" entspricht, um zu bleiben ".
Über den November 2008 erhielt der Angeklagte "Nagano Yasuhiro" eine Anfrage von dem erwähnten "Chang".
Die Wahrheit ist, dass es keine Tatsache gibt, dass "Chang" von Lefco eingestellt wurde.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" wusste, dass "Chang" andere Aktivitäten als die Qualifikation machen würde.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" ist Lefcos Büro ("Yasuhiro Nagano" ist der stellvertretende Direktor)
"Arbeitsvertragsdokument mit falschen Inhalten" wurde erstellt.
"Chang" wird von Lefco eingestellt, und es ist Inhalt, in der Arbeit von Programmierern usw. zu arbeiten.
Dies ist ein Dokument, das der "Änderung des Aufenthaltsstatus" ("Geisteswissen / internationale Arbeit") bei der Tokioter Einwanderungsbehörde beigefügt ist.
Danach antwortete "Kin Gungaku" "Chang" den oben genannten "falschen Inhalt der Arbeitsvertragsdokumente"
Ich gab es im "NN Coffee Shop" (Higashidanabe, Kita-ku, Tokio).
"Chang" am Tokyo Immigration Bureau in Minato-ku, Tokio am 15. Dezember desselben Jahres,
Ich habe den oben genannten "Schein-Arbeitsvertrag-Dokument usw." zusammen mit dem Antrag auf Verlängerung der Antragsverlängerungsperiode (Qualifikation) eingereicht.
Und "Chang" hat am 23. März 2010 die Erlaubnis bekommen

Im Folgenden sind der 2., 3. und 4. gleiche Inhalte.
Daher haben die beiden Personen "assistiert", um die "Aktivitäten außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus" von 4 Personen wie "Chang" zu erleichtern.

Name der Sünde und Bestrafung
Verletzung des Einwanderungskontroll- und Flüchtlingsanerkennungsgesetzes Artikel 70, Absatz 1, Punkt 4, Artikel 19 Absatz 1 Punkt 1
Artikel 62 Absatz 1 des Strafgesetzbuches, Artikel 60

Im Anklagebrief, den Akten, die ich und Kin Gungaku gemacht haben,
In Artikel 22 Absatz 4 Absatz 4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes werden die Beihilfeakten ("Der ungeheure Betrug") beschrieben.
Strafen für die Beihilfe zur "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" sind nicht möglich.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

#MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-07-23:Le président Donald Trump s'occupe de la primauté du droit.

<Public mail>
Le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement philippin ont ignoré la primauté du droit sans défendre leurs citoyens. Seule la communauté internationale les protège.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. S'il vous plaît comprendre le "crime" judiciaire en raison d'erreurs dans la loi applicable ".
Le chinois travaillait comme "autre que le statut de résidence". Cela dit que nous avons aidé le travail illégal,
C'est la lettre de poursuite écrite par le procureur. La punition sera jugée en fonction du contenu de l'acte d'accusation.

Fait accusé
Les deux accusés ont fait une collusion,
D'abord. "Chang", un ressortissant étranger de la République populaire de Chine, a changé le statut de résidence en "connaissance d'interrogation / travail international"
Je suis resté au Japon en renouvelant la période de séjour et sans recevoir la permission du ministre de la Justice pour des activités en dehors de mon statut de résident.
Entre le 26 mars 2009 et le 11 mai 2010,
J'ai travaillé comme employé dans un restaurant "NNNN Nihonbashi Store" situé à Nihonbashi 2 chome Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
Par conséquent, quand il a bien évidemment "recevoir une compensation n'appartenant pas à l'activité correspondant à" qualification pour rester "des activités.
Vers novembre 2008, l'accusé "Nagano Yasuhiro" a reçu une demande du "Chang" susmentionné.
La vérité est qu'il n'y a aucun fait que dit "Chang" a été embauché par Lefco.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" savait que "Chang" ferait des activités autres que la qualification.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" est le bureau de Lefco ("Yasuhiro Nagano" en tant que directeur représentant)
"Document de contrat de travail avec faux contenu" a été créé.
"Chang" est embauché par Lefco, et c'est le contenu de travailler dans le travail des programmeurs etc.
Ceci est un document joint au "Changement de statut de résidence" ("Humanities knowledge / international work") au bureau d'immigration de Tokyo.
Après cela, "Kin Gungaku" a répondu à "Chang" ci-dessus "faux contenu des documents du contrat de travail"
Je l'ai remis à "NN Coffee Shop" (Higashidanabe, Kita-ku, Tokyo).
"Chang" au bureau d'immigration de Tokyo à Minato-ku, Tokyo le 15 décembre, la même année,
J'ai soumis le "document de contrat de travail faux etc" mentionné ci-dessus avec la période de renouvellement de la période de demande (qualification) demande de renouvellement de permis.
Et "Chang" a obtenu la permission le 23 mars 2010

Ci-dessous, les 2ème, 3ème et 4ème sont les mêmes contenus.
Par conséquent, les deux personnes ont «aidé» à faciliter les «activités en dehors du statut de résidence» de 4 personnes telles que «Chang».

Nom du péché, et punition
Violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié Article 70, paragraphe 1, point 4, article 19, paragraphe 1, point 1
Article 62, paragraphe 1, du code pénal, article 60

Dans la lettre de mise en accusation, les actes que j'ai faits avec Kin Gungaku,
Il décrit les actes d'aide de (Impost of False Documents) au paragraphe 4 de l'article 22-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Une sanction pour l'aide contre «l'annulation du statut de résidence» est impossible.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays réside
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et leur volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-07-23: President Donald Trump takes care of the rule of law. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law". Chinese worked as "other than status of residence".

The Chinese government and the Philippine government ignored the rule of law
without defending their citizens. Only the international community protects them.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law".
Chinese worked as "other than status of residence".
This is the letter of prosecution written by the prosecutor, saying that we assisted illegal work.
Punishment will be judged based on indictment content.

Accused fact

The two defendants made a collusion,
First. "Chang", a foreign national of the People's Republic of China,
changed its status of residence to "interrogation knowledge / international work",
renewed his / her period of stay and stayed in Japan,
and allowed the Minister of Justice ' "From March 26, 2009 to May 11, 2010,
he worked as an employee at a restaurant" NNNN Nihonbashi Store "located at 2-chome Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Therefore,
when he did obviously "receive compensation not belonging to the activity
corresponding to" qualification to stay "activities.

About November 2008, the accused "Nagano Yasuhiro" received a request
from the aforementioned "Chang".
The truth is that there is no fact that said "Chang" was hired by Lefco.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" knew that "Chang" would do activities other than qualification.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" created "False Employment Contract Documents"
at Lefco's office ("Yasuhiro Nagano" will serve as the representative director).
"Chang" is hired by Lefco, and it is contents to work in the work of programmers etc.
This is a document attached to "Change of status of residence"
("Humanities knowledge / international work") to Tokyo immigration office.

After that, "Kin Gungaku" delivered the above-mentioned "employment contract documents
with false contents" to "Chang" at "NN Coffee Shop" (Higashidanabe, Tokyo).
"Chang" submitted the above-mentioned "false employment contract documents, etc."
together with the application period renewal period (qualification) to Tokyo Immigration Bureau
in Minato-ku, Tokyo on December 15, the same year.
And "Chang" got permission on March 23rd, 2010

Below, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th are the same contents.

Therefore, the two persons "assisted" to facilitate the "activities outside the status
of residence" of 4 people such as "Chang".

Name of sin, and punishment
Violation of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Article 70, paragraph 1,
item 4, Article 19 paragraph 1 item 1
Article 62 (1) of the Penal Code, Article 60

In the prosecution letter, the acts
that I and Kin Gungaku did are describe the aid acts of (false document preparation)
in paragraph 4 of Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act.
Punishment for aiding aid against "cancellation of status of residence" is impossible.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-07-23:President Donald Trump takes care of the rule of law. The Chinese government and the Philippine government ignored the rule of law without defending their citizens. Only the international community protects them.

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Please understand the judicial "crime due to mistakes in applicable law".
Chinese worked as "other than status of residence".
This is the letter of prosecution written by the prosecutor, saying that we assisted illegal work.
Punishment will be judged based on indictment content.

Accused fact

The two defendants made a collusion,
First. "Chang", a foreign national of the People's Republic of China,
changed its status of residence to "interrogation knowledge / international work",
renewed his / her period of stay and stayed in Japan,
and allowed the Minister of Justice ' "From March 26, 2009 to May 11, 2010,
he worked as an employee at a restaurant" NNNN Nihonbashi Store "located at 2-chome Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Therefore,
when he did obviously "receive compensation not belonging to the activity
corresponding to" qualification to stay "activities.

About November 2008, the accused "Nagano Yasuhiro" received a request
from the aforementioned "Chang".
The truth is that there is no fact that said "Chang" was hired by Lefco.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" knew that "Chang" would do activities other than qualification.
"Nagano Yasuhiro" created "False Employment Contract Documents"
at Lefco's office ("Yasuhiro Nagano" will serve as the representative director).
"Chang" is hired by Lefco, and it is contents to work in the work of programmers etc.
This is a document attached to "Change of status of residence"
("Humanities knowledge / international work") to Tokyo immigration office.

After that, "Kin Gungaku" delivered the above-mentioned "employment contract documents
with false contents" to "Chang" at "NN Coffee Shop" (Higashidanabe, Tokyo).
"Chang" submitted the above-mentioned "false employment contract documents, etc."
together with the application period renewal period (qualification) to Tokyo Immigration Bureau
in Minato-ku, Tokyo on December 15, the same year.
And "Chang" got permission on March 23rd, 2010

Below, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th are the same contents.

Therefore, the two persons "assisted" to facilitate the "activities outside the status
of residence" of 4 people such as "Chang".

Name of sin, and punishment
Violation of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Article 70, paragraph 1,
item 4, Article 19 paragraph 1 item 1
Article 62 (1) of the Penal Code, Article 60

In the prosecution letter, the acts
that I and Kin Gungaku did are describe the aid acts of (false document preparation)
in paragraph 4 of Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act.
Punishment for aiding aid against "cancellation of status of residence" is impossible.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-07-22】 Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions.

July 21, 2018

Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions.
On Thursday, I was proud to sign an Executive Order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker. With unemployment rates reaching record lows, America’s labor force is stronger than ever. To help build on this success, my Administration is pledging to deliver on its promise to prioritize, expand, and improve workforce training so that all Americans have the chance to move into better jobs and earn bigger paychecks.
I encourage you to watch the incredible event at the White House as I take an important step in investing in a new generation of American workers. As President, I will continue to fight each day to implement policies and initiatives that benefit hardworking Americans.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version: July 22, 2018: Expand the function of "immigration detention center" to provide an independent country (region) that can earn income by making economic refugee town! Let's support the environment where refugees can live with confidence.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

According to the report, at the European Union summit meeting,
we got a preliminary agreement on immigration policy.
The main agreement is to establish immigration detention centers
in volunteer countries where immigrants first arrive,
to classify illegal immigrants and people with refugee qualifications,
and to distribute the latter to the EU countries.
And to make "departure platform" outside EU such as North Africa.

However, Morocco, Tunisia, Albania,
and others expressed opposition to their establishment in their own country.
We reviewed the review of the Dublin Agreement that mandated refugee application
in the first country of arrival.
Italy has said that it will not install a storage center,
and many view that the implementation of this agreement is uncertain.

I think, after all, what is decided. Nothing has been decided.

Citizens of each country do not accept.
It is understandable to exclude economic refugees.
I am afraid that refugees who are not accepted think
that Europe's mental change is unreasonable, "terror".

Refugees are not responsible. The place of birth was bad.
He acted with the desire to live a little like a European person.
I want to accept economic refugees if I think about refugee's feelings.

I think the Japanese who surrendered unconditionally to the Second World War were
the same as refugees who are now aiming for Europe.

Fortunately, the Allies converted Japan into a freedom and democratic country,
and gave work and food and education.
The Japanese was delighted with the defeat.
And thanked freedom and democracy. And I worked hard.

And Japan became a rich country like Europe.

I would like to do the same to refugees aiming for Europe.
To do that, we need an area to accept them. As an administrative area
of ​the United Nations "immigration detention center"

I would like to accept and create regions (countries) just like Japan.

Japan has returned to the prewar thought.
Japan ignores international law.The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights 【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-07-21】 July 20, 2018 Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions.

Yesterday, I was proud to sign an Executive Order establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker. With unemployment rates reaching record lows, America’s labor force is stronger than ever. To help build on this success, my Administration is pledging to deliver on its promise to prioritize, expand, and improve workforce training so that all Americans have the chance to move into better jobs and earn bigger paychecks.
I encourage you to watch yesterday’s incredible event at the White House as I take an important step in investing in a new generation of American workers. As President, I will continue to fight each day to implement policies and initiatives that benefit hardworking Americans.

Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thanks for human rights【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-21】 The White House • July 20, 2018 Employers commit to training 3.8 million workers

The economy has come roaring back to life under President Donald J. Trump. This high-energy growth presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is that companies must find more workers to fill a growing number of open jobs. The opportunity is that with the right training, American workers will have the chance to move into better jobs with bigger paychecks.
This new national movement began by asking companies and trade groups to sign a Pledge to America’s Workers. Yesterday, 23 organizations were the first to sign that pledge, committing to 3,817,700 new opportunities for our country’s great workforce.
President Trump promised to make Government work for ordinary Americans, and support for workforce training is key to that vision. “These great companies . . . are affirming their commitment to train American workers for American jobs,” the President said.
His new Executive Order also establishes the National Council for the American Worker, which will develop a national strategy for workforce development. Unlike piling burdensome regulations on employers, the Council’s focus on transparency will actually help the economy, allowing students and workers to make informed decisions about their careers.

Judge Kavanaugh, as seen by his students

Anonymous evaluations of professors by their students can be caustic or catty. But they are also unfailingly candid,” Adam Liptak of The New York Times writes. “Over the last decade, about 350 law students at Harvard, Yale and Georgetown expressed views on classes offered by Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.”
The verdict? “With rare exceptions, they praised his mastery of legal materials, intellectual rigor, fair-mindedness and accessibility,” Liptak writes.
The quotes from his students speak for themselves:

Kavanaugh is the best professor I have had in law school.”

Judge Kavanaugh’s presentation seemed very evenhanded.”

I honestly believe I took a class that was instructed by a future Supreme Court justice.”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Donald J. Trump signs an executive order during the Pledge to America’s Workers event | July 19, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thanks for human rights【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-21】 REAL NEWS PRESIDENT TRUMP DOESN'T WANT YOU TO MISS Ivanka Trump: Training for the Jobs of Tomorrow

-The Wall Street Journal
This week, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to “prioritize and expand workforce development so that we can create and fill American jobs with American workers,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes. “It is time to deliver better workforce training so that all Americans have the chance to move into better jobs and earn bigger paychecks,” Ms. Trump says.

Best Professor.’ ‘Very Evenhanded.’ ‘Great Hair!’: Brett Kavanaugh, as Seen by His Law Students

-The New York Times
Anonymous evaluations of professors by their students can be caustic or catty. But they are also unfailingly candid,” Adam Liptak writes. “In 12 sets of evaluations spanning 700 pages, there was almost only glowing praise for Judge Kavanaugh’s teaching. More than a few students said he was the most impressive law school professor they had encountered.” 

Employers Commit to Train 3.8 Million Workers Under Trump Executive Order

A group of business leaders have committed to train 3.8 million workers with in-demand job skills over the next five years under an executive order on job creation signed by President Donald Trump Thursday,” Katie Lobosco reports. The executive order also establishes the National Council for the American Worker, which will develop “a national strategy to train Americans for the skills they need.” 

Rand Paul: Trump Is Right to Meet Putin

-Politico Magazine
America needs fewer enemies. What’s wrong with reducing tensions?” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) asks after the left criticized President Trump’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. “I am thankful that Trump is once again willing to go against the political elite in Washington and keep the lines of communication to Moscow open.”

Victims of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Land in ICU After Putin Freakout – Here’s My Prescription

-Fox News
Sadly, the media had little interest in delving into important issues that Presidents Trump and Putin discussed, including nuclear nonproliferation, destroying ISIS, ending the civil war in Syria, preventing Iran from building atomic bombs, and the security of Israel,” David Bossie writes. “Reporters could barely acknowledge the positive sight of former Cold War adversaries talking about peace.”
-Washington Examiner
Despite sour predictions, America’s economy is booming since President Trump implemented steel and aluminum tariffs, industry executives Jesse Gary and Bob Prusak write. “American aluminum workers can feel confident that Trump will continue to stand up to countries that cheat as we work together to create more American jobs and revitalize the American aluminum industry,” they explain. 
-Fox News
At Lockheed Martin, we are proud to answer the president’s call for comprehensive workforce development,” Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson writes. “That’s why we are pledging to create 8,000 apprenticeship and workforce development opportunities over the next 5 years.”
-The Washington Post
The nightmare of Hamas’s leadership is continuing and needlessly prolonging the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza,” write Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner, Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “Life could significantly improve in short order for the Palestinian people if Hamas allowed it.”
-The Washington Times
Dave Boyer reports that “a plurality of voters supports the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, including nearly one in five Democrats,” according to a new Morning Consult/POLITICO survey.
-The Daily Caller
President Donald Trump has struck a deal with The Boeing Company for a new generation of two Air Force One aircrafts at a lower cost than originally proposed,” Saagar Enjeti reports. The deal saves taxpayers “over $1.4 billion from the initially proposed $5.3 billion cost-plus contract,” Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said.
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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW · Washington DC 20500 · 202-456-1111
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#metoo Human rights victim! Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version July 21, 2018: Chinese "socialist market economy" should shift to "democratic market economy". It should be excluded from the WTO if it does not migrate.

<Public mail>

China is now the second largest economic power in the world.
It is said that it is said to be a factory in the world,
it is a country of manufacturing industry that meets global needs.

It is internationally accused of infringement of intellectual property rights
such as food disguising and manufacture and distribution of counterfeit goods.

Problems of wages of workers and problems of working environment are reported.

"The child was working for 12 hours at a factory of PC parts." "A 17-year old girl stays
at the sewing plant endlessly"

On November 30, 2017, WeChat of the ringball net muttered.
"German companies threaten to withdraw from the group from China,
the reason being in the party chapter"

"On 24 November, the German company's public membership organization
in China" Germany German Chamber of Commerce "suddenly issued an amazing statement
that China has forced German companies to set up" party chapters "
If we intrude into the stratum and try to interfere with the decision making
of the company, Germany is to withdraw all domestic companies from China. "

Looking at these facts, China can not be considered as a member of "market economy".

Unfair trade with China. WTO member countries not pointing out that.

President Donald Trump said that the United States would withdraw from the WTO.

I think that America should not withdraw from the WTO,
but should withdraw China from the WTO.

Merchants in each country benefit from importing products manufactured
by Chinese laborers working under harsh working conditions.
All the wealth of the world is concentrated in China.
Politicians are helping it.

I think that China should be expelled from the WTO at least
until China has become a government elected
by ordinary elections just like a democratic state.
Now, the world should turn to China's democratization.

Japan has returned to the prewar thought. Japan ignores international law.

The material is below.


Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-07-20】Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

July 19, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-20】The Day Ahead President Donald J. Trump will sign an Executive Order that sets the stage for developing a National strategy for workforce development. Watch live at 3 p.m. ET. Our pledge to America’s workers

Your 1600 Daily:

The White House • July 19, 2018

The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump will sign an Executive Order that sets the stage for developing a National strategy for workforce development. Watch live at 3 p.m. ET.

Our pledge to America’s workers

The over 3.2 million jobs created on President Trump’s watch have benefited a diverse span of Americans: women, manufacturers, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, young people, people with disabilities, and more. Many groups that have struggled historically are seeing their unemployment levels now hit record lows.
Many of these jobs require new skills. “We want to make sure that we have the workforce development programs we need to ensure these jobs are being filled by American workers,” President Trump says.
Today, President Trump will be joined by Ivanka Trump and more than 20 companies and organizations in pledging their unwavering commitment to America’s workforce. The President will sign an Executive Order that establishes the National Council for the American Worker, charged with developing a real National strategy to address workforce development. Among other tasks, the Council will help expand the number of apprenticeships available to Americans today.

A fix for our deteriorating National Park System

America’s National Park System is the envy of the world,” Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke writes this week. “Our parks tell the story of our nation, ranging from the origins of the American conservation ethic, to our sacred battlefields, to the Civil Rights Movement. Quite frankly, our American park system represents our American values.”
Our parks drew 330 million visitors last year, and we now risk loving them to death, Secretary Zinke explains. “The backlog of critical maintenance and repairs in the National Park Service stands at $11.6 billion.” Until recently, addressing that backlog seemed out of reach.
President Trump supports a bipartisan bill, now before the Senate, that would preserve the splendor and beauty of our National Parks. The President’s 2019 budget request to Congress proposed the largest investment in public lands infrastructure in American history. In that spirit, President Trump’s leadership is bringing both parties together to protect our National heritage.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen
President Donald J. Trump holds a Cabinet meeting | July 18, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To President Trump 2018-07-20: President Donald Trump proclaims that he will recover the rule of law in the United States due to illegal immigration issues. Everyone, please participate in the recovery of Japanese rule of law.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. In order for Japan to regain the rule of law!
limited company MIRAI 's homepage (To the beautiful future) Mirai ₌ future .
Justice disturbed even my re-departure to my future.

In the United States and other EU countries, the immigration  refugee problem is a political issue.

President Donald Trump receives condemnation only
by moving illegal immigrants out of the United States based on federal law.
President Donald Trump declares that he will restore the rule of law.

Japan has been moving out of the country illegally against immigrants who have legally entered.
Immigrant / refugee policy that violates the Japanese government's international law should be condemned.

I've already explained the details of the case, but to explain it in more detail!

I am writing a company for re-departure, homepage of the joint company futures,
relationship of incidents I am a company for re-departure.
Please also visit A limited company MIRAI's homepage . (To the beautiful future)

By doing premises search they lost the trust of LEFXX Co., Ltd.
(a company that is preparing for public stock).
Even the re-departure from Goudoukaisya Mirai urgently established in preparation
for LEFXX's bankruptcy hindered me by arresting and imprisoning me.

This case is illegal arrest of applicable law errors.

Foreigners who suffered damage are not illegal immigrants.

Minister of Justice gave permission of status of residence.
And Foreign Minister gave visa. They were legitimate immigrants.

However, they did a job other than status of residence.
This is an illegal work other than the status of residence,
it is a violation of Immigration Control Act.

They were arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for illegal work crime of the Immigration Control Act.

Illegal labor can not be done by foreigners alone.

Because there are employers hiring foreigners who are not qualified to work,
illegal work can be done.

Therefore, the Immigration Control Act severely punishes employers
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act Crime that promotes illegal labor.

However, in this case,
the employer has not been punished. Employers are not even arrested.
It is in an illegal state.

Such arbitrary punishment for foreigners is in a normal state.

It is an international law violation because it is arbitrary punishment for foreigners.
It is human rights violation against foreigners.

Germany and the EU condemn the Japanese government against
Japanese death penalty as a human rights violation.
Why do not you tell the Japanese government the punishment of arbitrary international law
violation against foreigners? It's crazy!

In this case we were arrested not related to illegal labor. I went to prison.

The reason is the assisting act of Article 22-4-4
 (revocation of Status of residence permission) of immigration law.

It is an act of providing the Chinese with false contracts whose content is false.
This is violation of arbitrary application law.

The violation of the Immigration Act 22-4-4 (cancellation of the status of residence) made
by the Chinese will be canceled from the Minister of Justice Eligibility to stay.

It has nothing to do with illegal labor.
Immigration Law 22-4-4 (Rescission of Status of Residence)
The criminal aid for criminal law can not be applied to aiding aid violation.

Japanese politicians legislate in the National Assembly,
but even if judicial administration is done contrary to legislation it is pretending not to know.
Help me.

Details are serialized in the categories of the following sites.
'limited company' MIRAI 'homepage'
Cross-linking to the future (bridge to human rights) It is ICC related site for public release.
Cross-linking to the future

President Donald Trump wrote in a reply to e-mail As president,
I will restore the rule of law. American security can not be maintained
unless the world regains the rule of law. President Donald Trump
and all the leaders of the international community,
I sincerely hope that you will be involved in this case.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!
